© AADHIKAR DAILY | 21.12.2005 17:49 | Analysis | Social Struggles | World
AADHIKAR DAILY WORLD COMMENTARY on Blair causing poverty hardship and deprivation to millions of people in Britain
1700 Hrs GMT
London Wednesday 21 December 2005
AS BLAIR completes his ‘term’ as a Little President, at least he can share with his role model GW Bush the notion of being able to publicly deride sense and show contempt to the concept of fairness and justice.
Blair knows that under his ‘civilised’ reign in the UK, millions of people were successfully kept in involuntary poverty and deprivation and denial with not a single act of cruelty by his regime catching the outraged attention of the world.
As all politically greedy (PG)
and Politically Corrupt time-servers will agree, the season of ‘goodwill’ is a concept that is definitely not available to quote a large number of people in the UK. Despite the cheers and the parades, despite the ratings-linked proffering of the ‘family’ and the ‘tear-jerking’ varieties of films by the TV schedulers, a very large number of children, their families and adults are ruthlessly denied any joy and firmly reminded of their place:
They have no place in the sean of cheer and joy.
They are kept in involuntary poverty and hardship.
And they are kept in their place in a way that would warrant loud outcry had they existed in any part of Asia or Africa or parts of the continental Southern America generally or been known to exist in a country that was headed by an alleged dictator as defined by Tony Blair.
So these seasonal constitutional questions to Tory Blair and his ‘law-lecturer’ axe man put in charge of hitting the involuntary poor in Britain via the corrupt and the fraudulentn and the corruptly-operated Department for Work and Pensions (DWO):
1.Does the DWP have the duty to apply the law and do its employees, agents, contractors have the same duty and obligation to abide by the law?
2. Does the DWP Secretary of State (be the person holding the post at the relevant point in time and over the relevant decision - Alan Johnson or David Blunkett or John Hutton) have the same duty to abide by the law?
3. Or does the DWP Secretary of State have exemption from the obligation to apply and abide by the law?
4. And is the exemption linked with the demands of spin prompted by the agenda set by the Blair administration to give the impression that no matter what the Tory Blair regime is called the fact is that this has been as cruel, as sleazy, as uncaring, as ruthless, as unconstitutional an administration as any that has ever existed in the UK at any time in the past 400 years and that the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will do whatever it takes to undo the most fundamental, positive and pro-civilising social mechanism that is necessary to complete the process of breaking up society and make Maggie Thatcher a very happy woman again, just before she embarks on celebrating; another satisfying Thatchering year?
5. Is this why the Little Hutton is bent (as far as he can bend the law that he claims to have professed the upholding of in the even smaller classrooms not all that long ago!) on showing to Tory Blair just how far he, Little Hutton, is prepared to go down the road of denial, imposing impoverishment, practising daring illegality, allowing defiant unconstitutionality, approving brazen lying to harass as many targets of the purging programme as can be found?
And scare, cajole, depress, and frighten and terrorise them out of being IN POVERTY?