New Charity helps campaigners in their fight for social justice
Emily Buchanan | 08.11.2005 13:27
Thousands across the UK have been inspired to take action by recent campaigns. In a world where so many of us are distrustful of politicians and the political process, new ways to effect change are constantly emerging. The Sheila McKechnie Foundation is the newest innovation in campaigning that helps emerging campaigners get their voices heard and make things happen. In recognition of the need to develop the potential of campaigners motivated to challenge the status quo, the Foundation has launched the Sheila McKechnie Awards. These will support and encourage the next generation of challenging and visionary campaigners who are making an impact on society.
The awards are for emerging campaigners working in:
Conflict resolution to promote security, stability, peace and tackling the root causes of conflict.
Consumer action to help people get a fair deal.
Economic justice to tackle debt, redress the imbalance between institutions and individuals and help break the cycle of poverty.
Health and social care to promote public health and improve the way in which people are cared for.
Social inclusion to break down social barriers, eliminate disadvantage and inequality and maximise the opportunities open to all members of society.
Transport to improve coverage and access at a local level; tackle pollution; and meet the transport challenges of our age.
The Foundation is looking for applicants who can show a distinguished panel of judges they have what it takes to succeed as a campaigner. The winners will be announced at a high profile ceremony in March 2006 and will benefit from a bespoke 10-day package of support including:
• One-to-one mentoring
• The opportunity to shadow people in positions of influence
•Skills development training
• Networking
The deadline for applications is 26 January 2006. For more information visit, email or call 020 7770 7822.
Emily Buchanan