leeds free speech
tony Bliar | 03.11.2005 14:18
Now to my knowledge only one egg and one flour bomb were thrown,from the UAF/commis who flew their "red flags"and held their standard banners "smash the BNP" your favorite YEP reporter "a legend in his own mind" Lazenby was their, a man who "never" lets the truth get in the way of a good story,prehaps thats how the 600 figure was arrived at?. Anyway they all left when the rain started,yes thats right just melted away back to their bedsits and poppy induced lifestiles.
I was however bloody angry that the police allowed the great unwashed to have "stewards" outside their caged area to egg the crowd on with megaphones,were as we were kept behind the barriers,but It was very obvious were the police presence was required as TWO lines of police were needed to hold these students and union members back as they tried to push through the barrier.
tony Bliar