EU Summit demo, Hampton Court, Thursday
Angie Merkel | 24.10.2005 21:43 | London
The vigil will be held on Hampton Court Bridge on Thursday 27th October, from 9 am -10 am and 5 pm - 6.30 pm. All welcome, bring placards if possible. The bridge is next to Hampton Court Station, 30 minutes from Waterloo.
Every EU leader, from 20 countries, is expected to come for the one-day summit. Those attending will include Jacques Chirac, cleared by his doctors to fly again, and Gerhardt Schroeder, deposed German Chancellor, making a valedictory visit. 1000 places have been reserved for press and broadcasting media representatives at Sandown Park Racecourse official media centre
Demonstrators will call for the resignation of Tony Blair for conducting an illegal war on Iraq in breach of the UN Charter and international law. They will demand the withdrawal of British troops from Iraq by the end of the year.
Further information from Jim Addington (Kingston Peace Council/CND and Action for UN Renewal)
by telephone 020-8399-2547 or by email

Angie Merkel