Mah fellow Moronicans ....God tell me whut ter do all the time
Robert Henderson | 18.10.2005 09:33
The TV screen clears
President George W Moron speaks
Mah fellow Moronicans, some evil-talkin' unbelievin' folks are sayin'
thet heviong' a president whut is doin' Gud's work ain't raight fer a
modern place laik the United States o' Moronica. Thet jest shows how
little sech folks knows. If Gud wusn't tellin' the president whut ter
do who would? Would yer rather heve Congress callin' the shuts? Or
ordinary folks gittin' whut they wunt? As Dick Cheney sez it don't
thinkin' bout.
Gud's always sayin' do this an' do thet. He sez go an' smoke out thet
Osama bin liner in' invade I-raq 'coz
it's full of evil folks whut believe Gud's on their side, which cain't
be raight 'coz He's on ours. Anyways, they don't even know whut Gud's
called 'coz they keep on callin' Him Allah.
Gud's on the side of the good ol' US of M alright. Yer cain tell thet
'coz the US of M jest keeps on doin' whut Gud tells me ter do an' mkin'
the world safe fer democracy an' the Moronicn way. Why, jest look at
how things heve gone in I-raq. Afore Gud told me ter invade ter git
rid o' Sodamn Insane it wuz under military rule an' the folks there
no say in whut their government git up to. Now they're under military
rule an' they heve a government appointed by the US of M. If thet
ain't progress I don't know whut is.
Then there's Afore the US of M went ter
the folks there it wuz bein' told by the thet it
hed ter do whut Gud said they hed ter do or they'd heve their hands
off. Now they cain think whut ever they wunt as long as its the
Moronican way an' democratic an' all an' Don Rumsfeld tells me thet
instead o' the Talbanistas they heve their own folks called warlords
lookin' after them. 'Course there is still a powerful lut ter do but
Condie Rice tells me thet opium production has gone up a heap since we
went in ter bring freedom an' democracy ter the folks there, so it jest
shows whut good ol' Moronican know how cain do .
Gud tells me all sorts o' things. After 911 Gud told me thet folks
wuz l puttin' Moronica at risk 'coz they had too much freedom an' they
orta heve less 'cos it's too precious to allow anyone ter heve as much
as they wunt. I git onter thet one raight away an' made sure freedom
wusn't being wasted by takin' most o' it under federal control with the
Department of Homeland Security.
Yesterday I heard Dick Cheney talking' ter Don Rumsfeld when they
didn't know I wuz there. Dick wuz sayin' "I think its time God told
the president that he should invade I-ran an' Syria an' anywhere else
where folks don't know whut Gud is called." Don laughed an' said he
thought it might well be tonight. Dick laughed too then Don rang
someone. I don't know who it wuz , but I don't think it wuz important
'cos all Don said wuz "Make sure the radio relay to the moron's
is working."
Anyways, Dick really is smart 'cos last night Gud told me ter do jest
whut Dick had said Gud should be tellin' me. I guess Dick must be real
religious to know sech things. I told Dick and Don whut Gud hed said
last night this mornin' an' they were real pleased an' said thet I
must sign a presidential order raight away 'cos Gud mustn't be kept
a-waitin' . So I did.
I don't know when we are goin' ter bring peace an' democracy ter other
places or even how many places they maight be. But Dick tells me thet
the Allah lovin' folks are tryin' ter take over the whole world an' we
maight heve ter do jest thet ourselves ter make the world safe fer
raight thinkin' folks.
Anyways, thet's all I cain say jest now 'cos I'm a small government big
administration president an' I don't know all the details. Dick sez its
best thet way fer national security reasons. As Dick sez if the
president don't know whut is goin' on how cain the enemy? Dick's real
Band plays The Rights Mangled Banner as screen fades. RH
Robert Henderson
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Robert Henderson