Just Passing on info | 04.09.2005 11:19 | Ecology | Sheffield
George Munson, Regional Climate Change Co-ordinator at the Yorkshire and Humber Govt Office on the implications of Climate Change
Andy Nolan, Head of Environmental Strategy on the Council's strategy for action.
There is also a slot for "public questions and communications" immediately before this (at 2pm), so although the public can't ask questions during the "debate" anything asked from the gallery would be hard to ignore in the session which followed.
An appeal is being put out by Cllr Jillian Creasy for :
1. People to attend Full Council on that day. Just turn up at about 1.50pm and tell the ushers you want to ask a question from the gallery - you will be shown upstairs and called to speak by the Mayor after any petitioners have spoken (which can take a while!)
2. AND/OR feed any questions to me (Jillian) and I will try to put them - she only get one slot for questions and possibly a second one for comments . It would be very helpful for have your ideas. Should the focus be on transport, industry, energy saving in housing, localising the economy, the incinerator, the airport(s)?
I need your ideas and your support. I want to be as well informed as possible and to represent you, the green-thinking, no-blood-for-oil community. I also want to show SCC, especially Labour, that the people of Sheffield regard climate change as a really important issue and that we are GLAD they have timetabled this session.
1. Y&H Region produced a Climate Change Action Plan in Feb/March of this year ... you could find it on the web: the thing the Green Party picked out of it was the recommendation to appoint a cabinet level "champion" for climate change. This hasn't quite happened - though they did create a cabinet member for "environment and transport" (Terry Fox).
2. Andy Nolan has moved from a similar role at Sheffield Uni - only taken up post a few months ago.
Cllr Jillian Creasy, Central ward, Sheffield Green Party
Just Passing on info