NFIP end-of-summer social and book sale planned
Ranjan Chaudhuri | 02.09.2005 13:54 | Anti-militarism | Education | Social Struggles
This is to inform you that we will be having our (late) Summer Social on the 1st of October at The Place, Sherwood. As usual, it is food, music, and fun to raise funds for our friends in Iraq. This year, we plan to raise funds not only by selling tickets for the social but also by having a BOOK SALE at the social (see below for more information).
Further details about the event will follow in due course; the purpose of this email is to solicit your help with its organization. As usual, we can do with volunteers to prepare food or help to get The Place ready on the day (and clean up afterwards).
But this time we also need DONATIONS OF BOOKS for the book sale. I know a lot of us are avid readers and have many old novels etc. lying about--why not donate a few to a good cause and get rid of some clutter at the same time, sharing some of the books you have enjoyed with others? Of course, this also means that you might be able to find some bargains at the event to promptly recreate the clutter as well! (I personally can't wait to "exchange" and renew my stock of books in this way.)
All sorts of books are welcome, non-fiction of course, but also general interest, hobbies, current affairs, or anything really that you yourself would have been interested to find at such a sale.
If you have books to donate, please send an email to

Looking forward to your enthusiastic support for this event (and please forward to friends and like-minded groups to publicize)!
Ranjan Chaudhuri, for NFIP
6 Park Crescent
Nottingham NG8 2EQ
Tel/Fax: (0115) 875 4761

Ranjan Chaudhuri