Israeli settler kills 4 Palestinians (PHRMG press release)
Sparta | 18.08.2005 12:13
Two separate and unequal legal systems operate side-by-side, one for Israelis and one for Palestinians. While Palestinians who kill Israelis are prosecuted and punished to the fullest extent permitted by law, Israelis who kill Palestinians are seldom prosecuted and when they are, they receive grossly inadequate sentences.
The government of Israel distributes weapons among the Jewish settlers in order to protect themselves. Unfortunately, some settlers misuse them to kill Palestinians instead. The PHRMG is concerned of the misuse of weapons and urges the Israeli government to take actions toward the Jewish terror.
Since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Intifada on the 28/09/2000, PHRMG has documented that 35 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli settlers. None of the settlers had been punished to the fullest extent permitted by law. Although settler violence is not new, it has increased in the last two weeks. The settlers have reacted to what they see as inaction and restraint on the part of the army, by taking their own steps.
Two Jewish terror attacks in less than two weeks is threatens the Palestinians’ security. It threatens the Israelis’ security as well, as Hamas has threatened revenge for the shootings. The PHRMG condemns the Jewish terror attacks and urges the Israeli government to bring the perpetrator to justice immediately.
The Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group (PHRMG) is a Palestinian, independent, non-governmental organization working to end human rights violations committed against Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem, regardless of those responsible. The members of the Monitoring Group believe that the strength of democracy and civil society in Palestinian society will be determined by the Palestinian people, through their defense or neglect of human rights.
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