Support tesco wildcat strike -- pickets called for Thursday 4th
Saddleback | 02.08.2005 12:55 | Workers' Movements
PDF leaflet - application/pdf 826K
JPG leaflet
Tesco staff organising benefits all of us, as it makes attempts to lower wages harder for corporations like Tescos. If workers at tescos get stronger it will also mean that Tesco is less able to rip off local communities or farmers.
Here's a call-out from the Tesco Temps Support Committee about the demos this Thurs. The leaflet it mentions is attached to this IMC post as a pdf file. More info is on
If you hold a protest please post up details/pictures here, or email them to
Distribution Of Leaflets To Raise Awareness Of Temp Conditions This Thursday
The Tesco Temps Defence Committee, a group of friends and supporters of the sacked Polish workers are asking people to distribute information to highlight the exploitative use of agency workers by Tesco in their plant in Greenhills.
A group of us will be meeting at Tesco on Baggot Street (the one nearest Stephens Green) at 6pm this Thursday, August 4th to distribute information.
We are asking people to do the same outside a Tesco in their area at the same time. Please announce your attention to do so on Indymedia so other supporters may join you.
This Tuesday there will also be another international solidarity action with the sacked workers in Poland.
Below you will find links to a leaflet and poster designed to raise awareness about conditions in Tesco,
We are requesting that people distribute this leaflet to workers in the store prior to distributing it to the general public if you chose to join our campaign on Thursday.
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