Doubts About "Bomber" Conspiracy Theory
Various | 16.07.2005 19:11
Somebody nervous? Is this, perhaps, an after-effect of having your servers seized?
Please explain ...
London police avoid term 'suicide bombing'
I guess the fact that the story about the bombs being on timers hasn't been successfully flushed down the Memory Hole - despite the best offorts of the Gov't and its loyal media has prompted them to word their statements very carefully.
I want to see DNA proof,,2005320810,00,00.html
Um ... this reporter seems to have forgotten to include the word "ALLEGED" to the story.
I'd like to see the proof too, but because of the Orgy of Evidence (the planted documents), investigators say there is no need of DNA tests.
But this is besides the point. Since the bombs were on timers, even if this man was a victim, it doesn't mean he was the bomber.