monbiot on climate change
faerie | 12.07.2005 10:29 | G8 2005 | Analysis | Ecology | Technology | London | World
please read, circulate and mobilise.......
some dissidents in the corporate media occasionaly hit the spot. i think george's comment that 'Like Bush, Blair will contemplate anything except restraining the people who are killing the planet.' continues an essential debate about ecology and what we must do now.
we didn't think the g8 was going to support the beauty of the planet or be realistic about actions on climate change, or indeed anything. i was inspired by the protests and all the work that went into it, but fear that if we don't continue fighting and diversifying our protest then our dissent will become static or at best repetitive and predictable. i agree with recent comments that the spectacle of protesting at summits does nothing other than strengthen the resolve and solidarity of some of us.
i think we need to channel our energies into something critical: ecology. the only thing to do is focus on local community action and engaging with local people, both in our own communities and showing our solidarity with other groups where appropriate. let's take our new energy and ideas from the g8 protests and think about what we achieved and what we can do best from now on to fight climate change and ensure our focus is always ecological.