Launch of The Scottish Jacobite Party
John Black | 09.07.2005 11:52 | Analysis
Press Release
For immediate release.
The Scottish Jacobite Party was launched yesterday 8th July at 2 pm with a public ceremony at Glenfinnan. The Party Leader landed on the eastern shore of Loch Shiel and raised the standards of the Party. You will find images posted at
This new party is based on a Unifying Political Theory (appended) which concludes that - The Citizen is King. By definition, this announces the formation of The Scottish Republic.
The Party will introduce a new voting system based on existing technology which allows - Government of the People, For the People. This will be the first example of True Democracy in which the people's voice can be heard on a daily basis on any issue. Parliamentary Government is obselete.
The Executive will be formed of prominent Scots who have demonstated International Excellence. Our Dream Team is also appended.
The Land of Scotland belongs to the people of Scotland. Land ownership requires residence in the country. Undercrowding is a criminal offence. The Stately Homes of Scotland will become National Paradors or very, very expensive luxury hotels. In compensation for past wrongs, the Scottish/English border has been moved south to a line between Carnforth on the West Coast and Flamborough Head on the East Coast
The Scottish Republic will be a Tax Haven.
Scotland will be re-branded as an exclusive destination for tourists. Access to the country will be controlled by congestion charging. At busy times, the charge will restrict the number of visitors. At slow times, free incentives will be used to get visitors to areas of the country where occupancy rates are less than optimum.
Newcastle, Sunderland, Middlesbrough and Gretna will join the Scottish Premier League. The Premier League teams will be Nationalised and all grounds brought up to an International Standard. Foreign players will be banned. TV revenues will be divided equally among the Premier League teams.
NHS Scotland and Scotland's education system will be restructured to eliminate all unnecessary paperwork allowing doctors to heal and teachers to teach.
Scotland's Regiments will be retained.
Penal colonies will be established on islands in the Outer Hebrides. Mingulay will be the male penal colony, Pabbay the female penal colony with the monitoring station located on Berneray.
The Scottish Jacobites will host a symbolic storming of the baricades at Gleneagles on this Thursday July 14th at noon. The First Annual Scottish Freedom Ceilidh will follow.
Further details of these policies will be posted on the Official Party web site at
A Unifying Political Theory
The Citizen is King
If decisons are based on an underlying theory then there is a greater chance that the decisions will be consistent and serve the goals of the political body. The recent General Election showed a remarkable lack of theoretical background for the main parties in British Politics. New Labour is somewhere to the right of the Conservative party in rhetoric and action, far removed from their traditional base of support of the labour movement. In Idealogical No Man's Land. The Conservatives are caught like deer in the headlights of an endless leadership crisis and the Lib-Dems can't decide whether they are to the right or left of Labour. Hardly surprising since Labour don't know where they are. Even the Scottish Nationalists can't decide whether they are for or against independence, now, never or later.
With a theoretical framework, it is possible to analyse any new situation in terms of theory and arrive at a position that fits with party policy. Flip flops on tuition fees shouldn't happen. Political expediency shouldn't happen.
At the recent US Grand Prix in Indianapolis, Michelin who supply tires to 14 cars in the 20 car field had a problem with the tire construction. This happened during practice on Thursday and Friday. The FIA and the teams spent the rest of the weekend in discussions and by race time on Sunday had been unable to agree on a solution. The race started with six cars and has been universally viewed as a farce.
By coincidence this crisis happened at Indianapolis which had just hosted the Indianapolis 500 on Memorial Day at the end of May. A dramatic contrast of political stuctures, leadership and understanding between a European based culture (Formula 1) and American (Indy Car).
In simple terms, Formula 1 is too many Chiefs, no Indians. Indy Car is one Chief, many Indians.
In Indy Car terms, it is the fans on the seats - The Indians - who pay the bills. The race must go on. The fans paid to be entertained and the entire effort is geared to that end.
In Formula 1, the Chiefs couldn't agree on an interpretation of the rules which would allow all of the teams to race, the 120,000 fans at the race track and countless millions watching on TV didn't get to see a race.
Scottish society evolved over history into an association of related individuals or a clan. Early clan leaders were chosen for their leadership ability and skills in battle. When that leader fell another was appointed in his place as the best from within the clan for the role. Around the sixteenth century, a son succeded his father and then a grandson. Hereditary leadership had been invented. And the clansmen were screwed. There was no going back, for as everyone knows - Turkeys don't vote for Christmas.
Our fine hereditary Chieftans became more powerful, build grand castles, discovered the fleshpots of London Society, squeezed the clansmen scratching a poor living from sparse highland soils and invented the Highland Clearances when it was more profitable to raise sheep than people. In the Scottish experience, hereditary leadership is not a pretty thing.
European society is based on powerful leaders supported by the toil of the peasants. Society of the Middle Ages has slowly morphed into the Europe of today. In general, it retains embedded in its fabric the idea of powerful leadership and weak workers. The ideas of the leaders are all consuming. The rules and regulations must be obeyed, damm the consequences.
It was that mentality which was evident at Indianapolis on Sunday 19th June. The full arrogance and stupidity of European minds denied the paying public their rights.
America was founded by free men. Many the clansmen cleared off their highland crofts. The American Declaration of Independence is based on an entirely different set of values:-
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
It is this background that guides decisions in American racing. The paying public have a right to be entertained. Indy Car and Formula 1 are in the entertainment business. The leaders forget that at their peril.
I was born in Kingskettle, Fife and brought up and educated in Scotland. I left at the age of 24 and spent my working life in North America. I returned to Scotland in 2000 and have lived here since.
Scotland is a superb country, rich in it's vast changing tapestry of spectacular scenery, rich in the myriad tales of it's colourful history and rich in the talents, energy and imagination of it's people.
But Scotland as a Society doesn't work. Two millenia of rules, regulations, habits and practices are grinding and abrading and constraining any efforts to get things done. Nothing in this country works the first time. It requires application, determination, effort and emotional energy to accomplish simple basic things in Scotland today.
There is a constant refrain from on high about the lack of entrepeneurial spirit in Scotland. Entrepeneurs, by definition, are thinking people. Any thoughtful person would leave the country and set up business elsewhere. Setting up a business in Scotland is like driving down a straight road with road works every half mile. A sensible person will decide that the journey isn't worth the effort and turn back for home. Anyone who does reach their destination will be exhausted and drained by the experience. Effort which should have gone into more productive activities.
There are too many rules and regulations and people who follow the rules without thought. The Clan system still dominates Scotland though in a derived form. Any organisation becomes a surrogate clan and membership of that organisation requires obedience and loyalty to the organisation and its leader. Organisations include businesses, government departments, banks etc. The result is that the purpose of the organisation and its members is to serve the ends of the organisation and leader. Customers are not part of the organisation. Customers are a nuisance, an impediment to the proper functioning of the organisation and are tolerated rather than served.
If Scotland as a Society is to make any progress, we must stand this view on it's head. The Customer is King. In the civil sense, the customer is the citizen and The Citizen is King.
The Executive of the Scottish Republic
The Dream Team
President Sir Sean Connery
Press Secretary Hazel Irvine
Chief Executive Iain MacWhirter
The Young Pretender Ewan McGregor
Secretary of State Sir Jackie Stewart
Enterprise Minister Sir Tom Hunter
Culture Minister Sir Billy Connolly
Minister for Agriculture HRH The Duke of Rothesay
Minister for Hogwart's and Future Development Dame J K Rowling
Minster for Excellence Sir Gordon F H Ramsay or to give him his full Sunday name Sir Gordon Fucking Hell Ramsay
Immigration Minister Sir Ken Livingstone
Health Minister This individual cannot be named under the provisions of The Data Protection Act
Ministers for the Media The Barclay Brothers
Chief Constable of Scotland Dame Shirley McKie
Scottish Matron Rhona Asher
Minister for youth Sir Jamie Oliver
Minister for Sport David Murray
Minister for Golf Colin Montgomerie
Ambassador for Tennis Andrew Murray
Minister for Football Sir Alex Ferguson
Minister for Rugby HRH The Princess Royal
Transportation Secretary Sir Arnold Clark
Minister for Maintenance Sir Tom Farmer
Shortbread Supplier Sir Joseph Walker
Technology Minister Sir Chris Gorman
Minister for Hotel Development David Coulthard
John Black
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