Emergency Peace Vigil – Thursday 7th July, 9pm.
Edinburgh Stop The War Coalition | 07.07.2005 17:51 | G8 2005
We urge everyone to resist any attempts which may be made to use these crimes to stir up anti-Muslim hysteria or attack the Muslim population of this country. We emphasise the importance of solidarity, peace and justice as our guiding principles in addressing the crisis scarring the world today, of which today's bombings are a dreadful manifestation.
It is clearer than ever that the "war on terror" in which Britain has been so heavily involved has not, in fact, made the world safer from terrorism. Britain's security services warned Tony Blair two years ago that a war on Iraq would make such attacks more likely. That warning has been tragically borne out today. The best way to ensure that there are no more such terrible attacks is for British troops to be withdrawn from there immediately.
Therefore we are calling an emergency vigil in sympathy with the victims and against any use of this tragedy to heighten the drive for war among leaders of the G8 for the evening of Thursday 9pm on the steps of the National Gallery at the foot of the Mound.
This is very short notice but please make every effort to attend.
Edinburgh Stop The War Coalition
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