The ecocamp Hori-Zone is a gigantic experiment in democracy, ecology and alternatives to current world order. Located in a field near the rural town of Stirling, many thousands activists have in the last week been living on their own terms. A big tent camp, a political festival, an ecological experiment. Hori-Zone is basecamp for the activities against and around the G8-summit. All decisions are made in daily camp meetings based on consensus-democracy. The camp is divided into neighbourhoods organised by polical groups around Great Britain. The food is vegetarian, the toilet is composted, the dish detergent is organic. Power is supplied by windmills and solar cells. The whole camp is home for activists and alternative lifestyles from all around the globe, but most importantly it is proof that not only is another world possible.. Its under construction!
Impressive is the indymedia tent as well. Satelite linkup and wireless network point makes all the IMCs around the world accesible to the the inhabitants of the camp. A sign outside the gate reads "Welcome Home".