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Wednesday 6th: G8 Blockades, Mass Arrests and Fence Breaches

imcista | 05.07.2005 13:57 | G8 2005 | Globalisation | Repression | Social Struggles | World

Movement against the G8 started very early this morning: while the beacons of dissent were still burning in the dark in the Ochil Hills, hundreds of people were making their way out of the Stirling convergence eco-camp 'Hori-Zone' to head for Gleneagles. Initial clashes with riot police forced many back, but other went on to occupy roads. In Edinburgh there was an attempt to blockade G8 delegates in the Sheraton Grand hotel and people obstructed delegate coaches as they passed through the streets. The M9 motorway was also blocked by a severl hundred people.

Throughout the morning multiple blockades were set up on the approach roads to Gleneagles, from people locking themselves together to the late afternoon Kids Tea Party blockade.

Despite some torrential rain and long traffic jams people continued to converge on Gleneagles throughout the afternoon. The police announced that the G8Alternatives march and rally by Gleneagles was cancelled but still people continued to stream towards the G8 Summit location. Coach loads of protestors were delayed for hours by police, but the majority were allowed through in the end.

Legal teams report "hundreds of arrests".

IMC Update 5.30pm - Protesters at Gleneagles have breached the fence which guards the hotel in which the G8 leaders are meeting from today. Parts of the fence were torn down. At the moment, a large number of police reinforcements are arriving and charging the protestors. Military helicopters are arriving. Earlier, 5000 people had moved on a cheerful and colourful demonstration from Auchterarder park to the fence close to Gleneagles Hotel. The G8 Alternatives march has included many locals and musical groups. Meanwhile a peaceful demonstration in Edinburgh was penned in by police. Police arrested people violently. Local people watching the police actions shouted "outrage" and "disgrace". In the morning, groups of protesters blocked the roads around Gleneagles as well as hotels in Edinburgh. Many G8 delegates had to delay their trip to Gleneagles.

[ Complete timelines: Stirling/Gleneagles Timeline | March on Gleneagles | Edinburgh Timeline | Glasgow Timeline ]

[ Edinburgh: report | photos 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ] [ Stirling: report | photos ] [ Blockades: (various) 1 | 2 | 3 | photos 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 ]

Sterling Protestors Early
Sterling Protestors Early

The first signs of movement were in Stirling as between 600 and 1000 people started off from the rural convergence camp to march on Gleneagles, but many groups were met by riot police who forced some people into a nearby industrial estate. By 6am a junction of the M9 was blocked by a couple of hundred people from the camp, while police closed roads to the site.
In Edinburgh, by 7am, the Sheraton Grand Hotel was already surrounded by vanloads of police and FIT teams with a Section 60 in place to protect it from around 100 protestors. Within the hour a coach carrying Japanese G8 delegates trying to leave the hotel was blocked by protestors and around the corner cars were left parked across Queensferry Road causing a jam while a coachful of G8 press were also blocked.
Trains from Edinburgh to Stirling were cancelled, a convoy of G8 Alternative coaches due to leave Edinburgh for Gleneagles was held back by police, vehicles were stopped and searched crossing the Forth Road Bridge, some roads and bridges to Gleneagles were blockaded, and a Section 60 order is slapped on Gleneagles station.
Later in the morning police attempted to stop people, including a travelling kids tea party, from leaving the Stirling eco camp. The police were also telling people the permitted march was cancelled, stopping coaches outside Auchterada, Stirling, and Perth, but organisers assured it was still on. By around midday there were numerous sit-downs and lock-ons blockading B-roads, A-roads and the M9 motorway outside of Gleneagles .



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Updates in French

06.07.2005 09:05

Updates and informations available in French here:


burning cars?

06.07.2005 09:43

I hear there is a car burning on the forth road bridge.
It's not on the news yet, does that mean it's not true?

Glass eye

reply to not content from stirling

06.07.2005 09:50

If your daughter is in hospital due to a head wound then she has my sympathy and best wishes. I don't know of anybody travelling to various g8 protest who would advocate smashing windows and cars in residential areas. I have not even heard any reports of this on the main stream media. Burger King and PC World, but not folks' houses. What is puzzling me is why, if your daughter is in hospital, are you browsing the indymedia website and managing to add your own comments at nine in the morning. ??? Seems a little suspect to me.Ï

dave g

Queensferry road

06.07.2005 09:59

Just a comment on the police in Edinburgh this morning.

Queensferry Road was initially blocked by protestors so the traffic was being diverted all over the place. As one of those who got stuck I decided to park up and go and see what was happening. I was very surprised to find that the Road was perfectly clear apart from one sheepish looking protestor who had been apprehended. Assuming that the road would soon open I headed back to my car to try to head for the Forth Road Bridge.

The police however did not open the road for another 45 minutes, instead preferring to send all poor drivers down into the gridlocked streets of Crammond. To me this appears to have been a deliberate action to create as much annoyance as possible to turn the people against the protestors, It also strikes me as another "way" to justify their presence on the streets.

When the protests first started on Saturday I was very supportive of the police and their actions in Edinburgh, however, having been present at a number of the "flashpoints" I am rapidly revising my opinions of both the police and the media who report what is going on.

WT - Edinburgh Resident


Report From the Other Side of the Plant

06.07.2005 12:59

Hello - the lack of clear news on this site about what is happening in Edinburgh is a bit frustrating so based on reading between the lines of this site, the mainstream press and my experience at demos in Oz I am going to have a guess at whats happening. Please correct me if I am wrong.

1) A small group of a few hundred anarchists (the kind who dont wear black) left the protestor camp and bravely tried to blockade bridges and roads. Despite a few successes (which incidentally were fantastic) they lacked the numbers to really blockade conference.

2) A small group of "Black Bloc" Anarchists also have been parading around puffing their chests out. Unfortunately a group of police provocateurs have used the Black Block as a cover and footage has been shown around the world of these same police smashing a windscreen with golf clubs and damaging one car. ( I admit there is a small possibility that these images were in fact some idiot black block protestor but I remain deeply suspicious from the footage that these large, well dressed protestors with neat matching backpacks and motor cycle helmets were in fact cops).

3) This action by police provocateurs has then been used by police to attempt to deny permission for the planned rally by about 5000 demonstrators to GlenEagle

4) The 5000 demonstrators who are obviously being led by a socialist group of some description have made two mistakes. Firstly they sat in their camp instead of joining the more anarchist led blockade and thus robbed it of any chance of real success.
They then appeared to claim on indymedia they had engaged in a process of negotiation with police on whether they had the right to march - civil disobedience ever heard of it! Only socialists would be hierarchial and foolish enought to negotiate with police on such an issue. Once this rally does eventually go ahead with much bluster the leaders of the rally will ensure that no real conflict with the police occurs.

5) Lastly the above thread has been sadly distracted by the bullshit claims of a police officer who claims his daughter has been injured. Its so clearly a cop its laughable - please more news from the protest and less response to the cop wasting time.

Just a few thoughts - Respect to the blockaders from this morning. It was a shame you weren't joined by a few thousand more helpers. In 2000 in Melbourne 10,000 of us blockaded the entrance to a meeting of the World Economic Forum and quite frankly it kicked ass. You really can't beat a blockade of the entrance to these meetings. Anyway good luck to all those engaging in civil disobedience today - good luck from the other side of the world.

davey from Australia

Amais Channer

06.07.2005 13:07

Amias Channer - "Wake up people of stirling you knew this was going to happen"

Sorry Amias Channer but what were the residents of Stirling supposed to do? Emigrate for a few days just so people could come from all over and do as much damage to our city as they want?

Yes we knew the G8 clique were heading to Scotland but what sort of point are you trying to make to the G8 clique by rampaging through a working class neighbourhood which has nothing to do with the G8 clique this morning?

The G8 clique appeared from the sky in their helicopters, sip their champagne, eat their veal and caviar while our city of Stirling gets wrecked? That really has the G8 clique worried doesn't it?

As a matter of interest which country do you come from Amais Channer? Would you really welcome a group of people on a wrecking spree with open arms to your home town?

The City of Stirling, the people of Stirling welcomed the camp which has been setup over the past few weeks. Is this the thanks we get for a welcome?



06.07.2005 13:09

if you are indeed from around Stirling you would know that Rab isn't in Bannockburn but St Ninians and that the Scottish schools are on holiday. tit


G12 is the real problem

06.07.2005 13:14

The real problem is Glasgow G1 to G12..
Inventors of the internal combustion engine and television.
These technologies are enabling the hyper capitalism and climate change which the soft heads on both sides of the fence at GlenEagles are basing their lives around or resisting for the moment.

Ultimately Greater Glasgow will provide the big heed socio-eco-technical solutions to the problems we have created.

We will also provide ideological chit chat in the meantime from the likes of Keir Hardy and Adam Smith.

Glesgae will provide.. Professor Mahatma MacBain


06.07.2005 13:28

i would just like to say that why should we stay calm at home watching the tv if we dont agree with the meeting?? why shouldnt we protest?? why?? can u tell me?? u say that we disrespect other ppl? why should we respect them?? do they respect us?? they dont respect us... u know why? couse theyr a bunch of ignorants that only worry about theyr little lifes and follow a bunch of 8 lyers!!
WE WONT shut up we will protest!! we will achive what we believe and the final victory is ours!! this is the only way the world goes forward by protest by ppl that dont follow the majority and that think bigger, that think in the world as 1 and not only on our little lifes.... sooo u cowards that shut up and accept what goes on in the world HAVE NO DIGNITY to speak to us...

JCP- portuguese communist youth
hasta la victoria siempre... united we stand


Some thoughts...

06.07.2005 13:30


1. Protestors were planning to leave the peace camp between 2am and 3am this morning.
2. With a significant percentage of those at Hori-Zone (and all praise to those who are here for peaceful protest) not being from Scotland, let alone Stirling, it is quite likely they don't know the area that well... Perhaps that's why one of the lower-income areas of Stirling was attacked.
3. For those claiming that any corporate store makes a valid target, it is worth remembering how these companies will find the funds to repair the damages: by passing them on indirectly to consumers, by forcing suppliers to cut their income, or from insurers (who will definitely pass on the cost to others).

So, who benefited from this morning's actions in Stirling?
1. The third world?
2. The protestors who ended up being searched under Section 60?
3. Public support of anti-capitalism and anti-globalisation?
4. The public of Stirling (who have welcomed the Peace Camp)?

I don't know the answer.

in stirling

JCP - Portugese & confused?

06.07.2005 13:41


No need to get your underwear in a twist ol' friend.

You iobviously never thought about what you wrote I shall copy and paste for you using modern methods

'u say that we disrespect other ppl? why should we respect them?? do they respect us?? they dont respect us... u know why? couse theyr a bunch of ignorants that only worry about theyr little lifes and follow a bunch of 8 lyers!!'

I look forward to visiting Portugal to put this thoery into practice with the Portugese people!

Why should you respect the people? Why should we respect them? They don't respect us?

Is that the people in Stirling going about their own daily business in their own homes this morning that don't respect you?

Well they certainly don't respect you any longer that's for sure.

JCP what you have written is pathetic. Go home, pour a large drink, think about what you wrote.

Jimmy Mc

All Apologies

06.07.2005 13:44

Apologies to Stirling's daughter for hitting her with that brick. It was in fact Stirling's face I was aiming for.

But nevermind you have made quite clear that you are still at home so I will be coming round forthwith to smash your face in properly this time.

All in the name of G8 protest.

Gordon Brown
mail e-mail:


06.07.2005 13:44

To be fair,
even the IRA avoided hurting innocent people. there should be a concerted attack to directly enter the G8 zone, it should be a militarily planned mission so the battle takes place with the people we oppose, the G8 leaders and their lackies. The fact that locals shops, cars and property has been damaged is a disgrace. How can we take the higher ground. This is also, as some seem to think not just about poverty in Africa, some do view it as a war on our own turf, whilst our lives and cultures are robbed from us by globalisation.


Piss Off JCP

06.07.2005 13:45

Ignorant filthbag. You wonder why no one votes Communist?!!!


You've got to hand it to them...

06.07.2005 14:02

some good has been done.

Thanks to the anti-world brigade, we have all been told we can leave work early.

I back the protesters, more protesting please.....

Can you protest next Monday? I would like the day off, I have a dentist appointment.



blah blah blah

06.07.2005 14:04

blah blah blah... whats the point of beeing here talking about this

blah blah blah

Ah poor Mr X

06.07.2005 14:19

Good point Mr X. I was ignorant of local term time in Stirling and the kids have been off since 29th June. Not having felt the need for my children to be brainwashed in what can only be described as a prison for psycological realignment, I decided to take them out of what was not so long ago the finest educational system on earth. Scottish Education. A term which is fast becoming an oxymoron due to the powers that be requiring ignorant, malleable, unconfident and manageable-quantifiable units on their bovine debt farm.

However, where I am sitting now IS and always has been Bannockburn. In the civil parish of St Ninians. There was no town here when I last visited and the town which has sprung up since then was named St Ninians after the parish. The town you would refer to as Bannockburn, in your ignorance of history, has only been known as Bannockburn since the Highland clearances brought wool money to the area and a small manse expanded rapidly with this booming industry eventually becoming known as Bannockburn. Again an example of big business, corruption and power elite trampling on freedom in one part of Scotland but bringing benefit to another.

So Mr X, how else would you like to discredit my testimony. Perhaps I didne spell Oor right for you. Is ma patter like dishwater?

You are an Ignorant bystander and I feel sorry for you.


burger king justice

06.07.2005 14:49

burger king and mcds deserve everything they're getting. they make so much money that could be used to feed the worlds poor, and there part of the corporate machinery that backs our police state and the war in iraq. fuck the evil megacorps!
and if u work their, make the right choice and get out ... ur not innocent if you support the capitalists.


Yeah Go Alfie, IRA justice hey!

06.07.2005 14:55

You are absolutely right the IRA tried to avoid injuring 'innocent' people of course to be declared innocent involves being 'judged' by the IRA. And if you are that unlucky drug dealer on the block who gets a taste of IRA justice or Robert McCartney for that matter well nevermind at least Alfie's got a clear conscience the IRA avoided hurting innocent people.

Although I'm all with ya I mean for Gods sake! These windows are innocent what the hell are you Anarcho-loons doing!? What have the windows ever done to you, huh?

Gordon Brown
mail e-mail:


06.07.2005 15:18

I bow to your greater knowledge! Of course since I was educated in a Scottish school I do not know about Scottish History or geography.

by the way you spelt oor right but it is didnae not didne.



Not Innocent - Guilty

06.07.2005 15:21

'ur not innocent if you support the capitalists.'

ok chaps forget the local capitalist chip shop tonight it's bland lentil stew with mud gravy for tea you'll have to hold on till I put my bongo drums away tho. Anyone for home brew?

The Chef

welcome bolivian-style road blockades

06.07.2005 15:57

Thanks Davey from Australia for your summary; even if hypothetical it's fine theory and I think it's essentially true. By taking it as a true account we understand a lot and can foresee future developments. Could someone in Scotland use it as a pattern to report in detail?

We need information. That's the use for this site. Davey catches it and possibly the police does also, but we come here to guess along.

The road blockades were fine, the net call was already. By using this technique you are learning one of the successful Bolivian methods: the other is gathering in assemblies with a revolution purpose getting more and more clear.

No mind how many did it. It was so good that they are sure of it now and lots can see and learn. The imaginary link with Bolivian tactic and soul is so natural we can think in terms of a world street fight. This fancy leads us to think again about what we want. We must get rid of the shy protest in favor of the poor and think of organizing alongside the real poor -Bolivian, Ecuadorian, Argentinian- in favor of themselves and OURSELVES. I think the few blockaders show easy effective ways.

World Anarchy, free assemblies. Salud y libertad.

international friend

A Step too Far

06.07.2005 16:12

I believe it is important to help other countries and to do our best to make a difference, but I cannot see how destroying the premises of local firms, spray painting obscene language across the walls of public buildings and assaulting the Police has anything at all to do with helping Africa.

The people of Stirling have done nothing to deserve this treatment and the thugs who have caused this damage should leave Stirling now.

Your behaviour shows that your only mission here is to cause as much damage as you possibly can. If you want to make that much of a difference to Africa then buy a fucking plane ticket and fuck off over there to give them a hand. Lying in the middle of the road will not make a difference You dense hippie bastards!

You claim to be against Capitalism, but you have all been to Morrisons buying food, you all wear clothes, some of you have mobiles, do you think these things magically appear?
I wish they did magically appear, but unfortunately that isn't the case.

Any hippies out there who do know of this magical tree, where I can get all the things I need, please let me know the location because I would love to never work again given the option.

I am sympathetic to the plight of Africans and agree we should try to ease the suffering, but it doesn't mean that the rest of us don't have to work - it's called Life.
If we didn't work our children would suffer and so would we. Anyway, if we don't work who the fuck is going to help Africa?

Now you can be lazy, free-loading, self-important, sponging hippie bastards if you wish to, which is against my principles, but unlike you I have no plans to turn up in your backyard, pitch up a tent and damage your town and force you to eat Burger King Meals and buy a laptop until you listen, instead I will let you get on with it because as you so rightly say - its a free world!

I am disgusted that your actions have resulted in the injury of a little girl, how do you expect this to change the world? If one of you has an answer to that question, perhaps you should write to the little girl and explain it. I'm sure she will understand that she had to have an injury to her head for the world to change - you muppets!

Now to the Hippies who read this my question is.. shouldn't you be wrecking a local building, injuring a little girl or lying in a road? Please feel free not to waste my time with your responses when you could be doing any of the above!

To the police, well done and thank you.


A Step too Far

06.07.2005 16:22

I believe it is important to help other countries and to do our best to make a difference, but I cannot see how destroying the premises of local firms, spray painting obscene language across the walls of public buildings and assaulting the Police has anything at all to do with helping Africa.

The people of Stirling have done nothing to deserve this treatment and the thugs who have caused this damage should leave Stirling now.

Your behaviour shows that your only mission here is to cause as much damage as you possibly can. If you want to make that much of a difference to Africa then buy a fucking plane ticket and fuck off over there to give them a hand. Lying in the middle of the road will not make a difference You dense hippie bastards!

You claim to be against Capitalism, but you have all been to Morrisons buying food, you all wear clothes, some of you have mobiles, do you think these things magically appear?
I wish they did magically appear, but unfortunately that isn't the case.

Any hippies out there who do know of this magical tree, where I can get all the things I need, please let me know the location because I would love to never work again given the option.

I am sympathetic to the plight of Africans and agree we should try to ease the suffering, but it doesn't mean that the rest of us don't have to work - it's called Life.
If we didn't work our children would suffer and so would we. Anyway, if we don't work who the fuck is going to help Africa?

Now you can be lazy, free-loading, self-important, sponging hippie bastards if you wish to, which is against my principles, but unlike you I have no plans to turn up in your backyard, pitch up a tent and damage your town and force you to eat Burger King Meals and buy a laptop until you listen, instead I will let you get on with it because as you so rightly say - its a free world!

I am disgusted that your actions have resulted in the injury of a little girl, how do you expect this to change the world? If one of you has an answer to that question, perhaps you should write to the little girl and explain it. I'm sure she will understand that she had to have an injury to her head for the world to change - you muppets!

Now to the Hippies who read this my question is.. shouldn't you be wrecking a local building, injuring a little girl or lying in a road? Please feel free not to waste my time with your responses when you could be doing any of the above!

To the police, well done and thank you.


Dear Mr X

06.07.2005 16:22

Mr X
Thankyou for taking the time to reply. As I'm sure you are now aware, because you will have taken the time to fill in the grevious holes in your knowlege of Scottish history and geography and (what's the word for the study of placename development and relative cartography?) my comments are entirely justified and ancient.

Also I think you will find that it is "did not" and has been since the English elite bought and sold our culture, land freedom and power... with gold. They destroyed our language and eradicated most knowlege of it from our culture because this increased their power and solidified their control over the country.

That was all a long time ago but the battle between the protesters and the English troops now on Scottish soil is the same battle for freedom which has always raged throughout the history of mankind. Unfortunately The English troops with their american training and the combined forces of protest with their various Ideologies and agendas are not aware that they are participating in the latest iteration of a battle which has raged since society began.

This is why they all fall into the trap of repeating history as easily as the residents of Stirling fell into the trap feeling anger towards the protesters. The localised violence and the peaceful protest are both symptoms of the same problem. There is no real cause and effect relationship between the two. They are intertwined because the forces of control would like the mass population to believe the protest is dangerous.

If you are disgusted with the violence and vandalism in Stirling this morning then by all means speak out, demand the facts, discover the truth of the situation. Do not just stir up stale misplaced nationalism, blame foreign protesters and tell them to go home. Remember when Hannibal took on the Roman Empire his amassed army from all of the nations outside the empire gathered in Scotland and the foreigners were welcome then...
we joined them. For Freedom.

If you are disgusted with the G8 then by all means protest. Be aware however that the whole summit is just a big glittering trap for people who find themselves drawn to protest in the mistaken belief that it makes a difference. If no one had turned up to protest it would have been a far larger victory... How could they justify a security budget like this if everyone was sensible enough to protest from home? Apache Helicopters indeed...
Have you seen the fence around Gleneagles? It looks just like Hadrians Wall. Only Smaller, Ha!

If you are truly Scottish and you do believe in freedom, forget the G8 the security and the protests it's all just a sideshow. Come and visit me, say Hi. I'm just sitting on my high horse overlooking the site of the battle of Bannockburn and to be honest it's a little cold and lonely up here. Look forward to seeing you... and bring an iron sugarcube for the horse eh?


Blair & Bob

06.07.2005 16:38

No Introduction Needed!



06.07.2005 16:42


Thank you for replying. I again bow to your flair for words and explaination skills. I have no problems with the vast majority of protesters,I have been down to the eco camp and met some truely kind and dedicated people. I am more dismayed about the few which felt the need to run wild down Bannockburn High Street and protesting against the global capitalist such as the Skoda garage and the chip shop - although hopefully the 4 in 1 was targetted cos their chips are rotten.

My full respect to non-violent protesters and to you for your wordmanship(?). I'm heading up Borestone shortly with a flask of hot tea a wee blanket and a sugarcube for the horse.

Ms X


Dear Donna

06.07.2005 16:53

Dear Donna

You are so ignorant and your argument so far off the point that I don't even know where to begin.

But here goes.

1. Most of the protesters have jobs, many of them better carreers than your job as a checkout girl in Morrisons.

2. The Hippie movement was a small localised ideology along the west coast of the USA in the late 60s early 70s. It has long gone and I didn't see any pictures of OAP Californians with long grey hair anywhere. Perhaps I am missing something.

3. This protest has very little/nothing to do with Africa. (do you get all of your information from the BBC?)

4. Food, Clothes and Mobile telecommunications devices are all possible without Capitalism.

5. As I already made clear earlier there was no injured little girl, that was a blatant lie.

I have to gree with you about lying in the road though, surely they should've been parking tractors and HGVs and cranes and JVC's in the road. Lesson No1... human bodies and motorways don't mix. A little common sense please?

I do so hope you come to see me at Bannockburn Donna, I'd love to explain to you and your friends what being Scottish and free is all about.


pete I don't believe you

06.07.2005 17:03

No one on this site is going to support such action, if it really occured. It is a handy way however of trying to divert and undermine the sacrifice of many who are protesting against the chriminality of the G8 and multinational capital which supports the G8. If the best criticism someone can muster of these brave heros is about our spelling, well I don't see they have much to moan about! For one, I strongly support those who are braving the intimidation and violance of the police, just to freely and democratically express their opposition to poverty, exploitation and the killing of our environment. It is a pity there aren't enough there to overwhelm the police.

mail e-mail:

is the pen mightier than the sword???

06.07.2005 17:07

Some people dont realise that direct action is one of the only options left to voice our concerns. Peaceful protests are ignored as are petitions and letters etc... by the powers that be, whose purpose it seems, is to serve economic interests before that of the peoples. There have been many protests that go largely un-noticed by politicians who seem to me that they are not interested in the opinion of the public. I can't say I condone the acts of violence in residential areas that have happened today according to the media but its obvious we cant trust what we are told by these people so its best not to read in to it too much.
Direct action gets your political objectives noticed but I feel that the anti capitalist movement is alienating itself from the people. Don't get me wrong, most people are too stupid to realise whats really going on in the world and many who do, just don't give a shit. The point is these people fighting with the police isn't really helping the cause that I believe in and is also being used as ammunition against the movement.
The pen is mightier than the sword but what are you to do if the pen doesn't work?


Well, Well... Ms X, such an uncommon surname these days.

06.07.2005 17:25

Dear Ms X (it was so hard to tell from your voice)
I look forward to seeing you here, and bring some friends, and friends of friends, and some sandwiches perhaps.
You can all gather round my horse and we will have a nice little discussion about freedom, history, empire and relative politics of the 14th and 21st centurys. It would be nice to see some real Scots for a change... I get bored of all the schoolkids, schoolteachers and tourists.

If at first...


Breaking through mental fences

06.07.2005 18:15

Fencebreakers are freedom learners and teachers.
They gather together, trust one another, break through mental barriers.
Is a steel fence enough to stop you?
A fence you can tear down is only fear and isolation.
Bolivian, Argentinian road blockaders, international fencebreakers.
One day we'll join.
First we block symbols, then we'll take over factories and things.
Salud y libertad.

international friend

Anti Capitalist Demos in Stirling etc

06.07.2005 18:16

Comment on the G8 protests in Stirling/Edinburgh etc. Very sad to hear of a child being hurt in Stirling as a result of the protests. Looking at what is happening without understanding the purposes behind them the protests can seem bewildering and pointless and I am sure there will be people jumping on the bandwagon too.However, I observe that some of those who are jumping on the bandwagon are people who may have genuine reasons for being pretty damned angry too. People from low amenity housing areas who get sick of being monitored and blamed for the ills of society - it's that blame the victim thing again. They are the Scots who want their poverty to be made history. Re the G8 protests in general we are getting news that there will be no significant deals on Debt Relief; nothing to make a significant difference to the millions who are starving right now and nothing significant on climate change. So what will it take for the leaders of the rich nations to listen to us - Civil Disobedience! Looks like it.


make the rich history

06.07.2005 18:40

I think the gentleman from Australia brings up a good point. It’s quite possible that some of these “black block” types are agent provocateurs being used to discredit the more radical elements of the G8 protest, including the anarchist movement in general.

There is a long history of this sort of thing. As Chomsky writes in his article on COINTELPRO:
“One FBI provocateur resigned when he was asked to arrange the bombing of a bridge in such a way that the person who placed the booby-trapped bomb would be killed. This was in Seattle, where it was revealed that FBI infiltrators had been engaged in a campaign of arson, terrorism, and bombings of university and civic buildings, and where the FBI arranged a robbery, entrapping a young black man who was paid $75 for the job and killed in a police ambush. 14 In another case, an undercover operative who had formed and headed a pro-Communist Chinese organization "at the direction of the bureau" reports that at the Miami Republican convention he incited "people to turn over one of the buses and then told them that if they really wanted to blow the bus up, to stick a rag in the gas tank and light it" (they were unable to overturn the vehicle).

The same ex-operative contends that Cointelpro-type operations, allegedly suspended in April 1971, were in fact continuing as late as mid-1974, when he left the Bureau's employ. 15 Many details are now available concerning the extensive campaign of terror and disruption waged by the government during these years, in part through right-wing paramilitary groups organized and financed by the national government but primarily through the much more effective means of infiltration and provocation. In particular, much of the violence on campus can be attributed to government provocateurs.”

A similar pattern emerged in Italy during the same period. Codenamed “Operation Gladio”, a series of “terrorist outrages” were carried out by a network of fascists aligned with NATO intelligence, the P2 mafia and the CIA. Later revealed in a series of judicial investigations, the bombings were blamed on “leftist” elements and largely succeeded in robbing the left of popular support.

Obviously, what’s going on in Scotland right now is a far cry from Gladio and COINTELPRO, and no doubt most of it is just disaffected youth responding to police brutality, but we should be aware of the history in assessing these matters.

Sadly, as Marx wrote:

The civilization and justice of bourgeois order comes out in its lurid light whenever the slaves and drudges of that order rise against their masters. Then this civilization and justice stand forth as undisguised savagery and lawless revenge...the infernal deeds of the soldiery reflect the innate spirit of that civilization of which they are the mercenary vindicators....The bourgeoisie of the whole world, which looks complacently upon the wholesale massacre after the battle, is convulsed by horror at the destruction of brick and mortar.”

So people who break things are labeled “violent”, and the police who beat up old ladies are “keeping the peace”. How the media can get away with this absurdity is beyond me, but it’s an Orwellian world and we have a lot of educating to do.

One thing that’s certain, the Bob Geldof liberals pose no threat whatsoever to the establishment; in fact, they ARE the establishment. The worst thing that we can do is follow in his footsteps by praising police brutality and condemning fellow protesters. We need to express solidarity while recognizing that random acts of property damage are not effective means of change.

Jon Doe

A Step too Far - Alex

06.07.2005 18:50


Sorry I haven't replied sooner, I have just got back from Burger King, had a lovely Burger!

The first thing is you are quite right, you're not a hippie, you're a crustie fool and the worst kind.
The kind that get in the way of progress for the sole purpose of causing trouble.

If you are not protesting to bring relief to Africa and you're not protesting against Capitalism, then exactly what are you protesting about? Are you protesting because its Wednesday?
Please feel free to enlighten me!

In regards to my job I actually work in a bank. I assume in your eyes that this will make me the Anti-Christ, but I believe in paying my way, in paying my taxes and in allowing people to get on with their lives in peace, a concept you neither understand or share!

If I did work in Morrisons I would still think of you as a useless, time wasting, two-bit, pathetic gimp so I guess my job makes no difference.

Are you honestly trying to claim that mobile phones are not the produce of capitalism? I think you'll find you are talking rubbish. Given that Mobiles are the produce of capitalism, why are you using them? Or was your point that they are possible without Capitalism?

If that was your point then once again I think you will find that the research and development that had to go into inventing the mobile in the first place was a produce of capitalism and paid for with money (a produce of capitalism)

The bunch of thugs that have arrived in Stirling have smashed cars, damaged buildings and you believe this will change the world? All this does is cost the average person more money, None of you have any right to pass judgement on the people of this town or to cause them any distress.

Are you one of the thugs Alex? The kind that where masks to hide their face while smashing things up, but still claims believe very strongly in their cause.

Do you believe it is okay to smash and damage other people's property?

You are an absolute waste of DNA and I resent you for stealing my oxygen. It would seem to me that you and your kind are so dense that light bends around you.

Your actions have not encouraged progress or communicated any point other than the fact that you are all absolute wankers with an attitude problem and a piece of wood/metal.

At some point Alex the people of Stirling with grow tired of allowing you Crusties to wreck their homes and town and they will fight back!

I would suggest that you pack your things and go, instead of wasting my time



fighting their improv ideology

06.07.2005 19:18

lit's just start with USofA (because this is where I live and this is where i know). When the richest country in the world makes decisions like it is its god given rite (separation from churchand state doesn't happen and this is why we must reject this notion of God.- we can't allow them to use it as an ideological tool. If the use of a fictional character like God is in place so strongly how can new culture grow? I mean if it is used by GWB!!! RING RING RING ALARM CRAP... this world is ugly) I paraphaze a recent bush quote 'I don't have any responsability to Tony Blair. Tony Blair takes care of the british and I do what's best for americans.' This seems to me like he's trying to say that american's are the chosen people. And his and his friend's rational is even more narow than that. They are scrambling like a fuking clever addict to maintain control of the oil. And all of us capitalists (living in our houses complaining about the nois in the streets outside and the grafitti all of which are viberant cultural happenings--which I say we desperately need) are like the dumb addicts that inject that shet into our veins up untill it's all gone, being appeased (not really able to imagine the drug ever running out) by hope that technology will cover the earth compleatly submitting the mother to the will of one race of living beings. Besides, isn't that what all these cities and concrete do, protect us from the unknown, protect us from nature. Diplomacy, Compramise and peaceful protest is far from a prooven affective way of action. So to discteddit semi-violent actions by protesters who don't even wheild anythings that look like weapons--compared to the police armies they are put up against (who us capitalist workers, yes even [and probably more to blame] the ones that have "better" jobs than supermarket jobs)-- is just not using rationality. Do we understand what we mean by VIOLENCE? What I mean here is destruction of the conditions of life. To grafitti on a bourgeois building may make a moment of ones life a bit irritating but my belief is that the world that an action like that points to is much more beautiful that the wastelands these leaders are cultivating for allof our grandchildren (do we have a responsability to them or just to our and our current living familty's and friends' comfort level?)

mail e-mail:

Donna, Donna, Donna....

06.07.2005 19:30

Good to see such a balanced and well thought out argument.

Let's talk hyperthetically for a minute. If the current system of unabashed greed were to collapse, do you really think that we be plunged into the dark ages once again? No, people would still go out and run the hospitals, power stations and people would still go out and trade. The difference would be that the wealth and resources would be distributed fairly, across all people.

The reason some protesters shop at Morrison's is because they have no other real choice. How many towns and cities have decimated by chainstores and retail behemoths like Tesco etc? Just because we talk of sustainability, doesn't mean we all want to live in a yert, eating mung bean curry and doing yoga.

I don't agree with smashing peoples homes etc, but if you compare the violence committed by the state (most of which you won't hear about in The Scotsman funnily enough) a few BK windows and a paddy wagon pale into insignificance don't you think?

Anyway look closely at the crash helmet wearing "Anarchists" in this morning's trouble. All very clean for a bunch of hippies who've slept in a field for the best part of a week eh? More likely dropped off in an unmarked white van, whilst the rest of their mates in uniform waited round the corner for the action to start.


Donna, donna, donna, donna, Donna, donna, donna, day.

06.07.2005 19:37

Donna maybe it's about time the bank you work for discovered the wonders of Decaf! It might do wonders for your mood.

Your angry bile spewing is in truth just as vile and disgusting as the acts of violence in Scotland only yours is a little more impotent.

Which doesn't suprise me really as I imagine I'd be just as frustrated and demoralised if I worked in a bank. Hows about doing a worthwhile job that contributed more than just taxes to society? In case you haven't noticed all working people pay taxes it's just some of us do worth while jobs that have a positive affect on other peoples lives.

Honestly how many days of the year do you come home from work and think to yourself I helped improve someones life a bit today?

Gordon Brown
mail e-mail:

Dear Donna,

06.07.2005 19:39

WAY TO EAT A BURGER. I bet that feels empowering. Those are the types of things that those people meeting in your country are trying to maintain. It's all connected.
We like being called CRUSTIES incontrast to your steralized chemical flower smell. (which is really more desgusting? which could be considdered VIOLENT?)
We wear masks because SO DO THE COPS!!! And they are payed, and they say that what the masked crusties do is illegal so ones identity becomes dangerous to let out. It's not an issue of being afraid. That is like disscrediting gaurilla warfare because the soldiers should be standing open in a field wearing red and blue coats.

mail e-mail:

Brainwashed Capitalists

06.07.2005 19:43

"Are you honestly trying to claim that mobile phones are not the produce of capitalism?"

Sweetheart, innovation does not require stealing the fruits of other people's labor. In fact, studies have shown that cooperation and worker control substantially increase productivity. Competition and hierarchy are for Gorillas.

As for property damage, may I suggest you start worrying a little more about human beings and a little less about inatimate objects.



06.07.2005 19:56

I have been reading this site all day and I don't see many "well dones" or "thank yous"
It's all "go home", "fuck off" and "leave us alone"

Why don't you do that? I supose you get used to it after a while, being told to fuck off everywhere you go, so it goes in one ear and out the other, bit like your protest today and the ears of the the G8...


A Step too Far

06.07.2005 19:57

Hey Guys,

Yes I can see your point, but if my Ferrari gets trashed, I'm afraid someone will have to die on this battlefield and that's all I'm saying, let that be a warning!





06.07.2005 20:11

There’s no real point in slating “Tesco” and leaving “Morrisons” out the equation my old son.

Didn't you know Tesco has taken over a number of Morrison's stores throughout the UK but still fly the Morrisons banner over their door.

Morrisons was ordered to sell off 52 sites after its £3bn takeover of Safeway earlier this year to comply with competition rules.

So there you have it….indeed those "protesters" who have shopped at Morrisons in Stirling have been helping to line Mrs Tory Tesco’s pockets!

Tsk, Tsk...homework not up to scratch my old son!

Don't let truth get in the way of a good old fashioned riot though.

Jim McMichael

not true

06.07.2005 20:19

the above statement that a brick in injured a child is completely false!!!! having beeen on the march and watched the events very closely i can confirm that it is totally false


Tesco, Morrisons etc all the same

06.07.2005 20:33

Jim you're absolutely spot on with your comments but you've taken mine wrong. I was merely making the point that even those of us who don't want to feed the beast sometimes don't have any choice hence our frustrations, hence the protests. I wasn't trying to defend Morrison's whilst attacking Tesco, they're all shaped from the same mould we all know that.

Cheers though.


What Right

06.07.2005 20:34

How dare these G8 leaders sully Scotland with their foul gathering. Stuff Blair, Bush and Berlusconi.

A descendent of Robert the Bruce

Free Scotland

Angus Macleod

Not true bakunin?

06.07.2005 20:34

OK thank you for cleaning up the Scooby Doo mystery for us all! I guess we'll all take your word for it then Mr Truthfullness.

I suppose you have been ever alert all day and you have eyes on stalks that could see round corners, behind you and left and right?...much like a slug.

Stirling Resident

Not True

06.07.2005 21:07

Calling all Crusties

Firstly, let me ask you as outsiders what do you all think of the human race?
From what I can see any similarity between you and a human is completely coincidental
You claim to be peaceful and then turn up and start fights and the worst thing is not one of you really seems to know why you are protesting.

How did you Crusties end up in Scotland anyway, I mean really did someone leave your cage open or what? Because the fact that you have been allowed to come here in the first place is ridiculous!

I have been listening to all the Crustie comments and believe me, I would love to see things from your point of view, but I can't seem to get my head that far up my arse!

Are all Crusties this stupid or are you making a special effort for the people of stirling?


"The above statement that a brick in injured a child is completely false!!!! having beeen on the march and watched the events very closely i can confirm that it is totally false"

Yes thanks very much for that report Trevor and now back to our News Rooms around the country.

Are you honestly suggesting that you have the ability to be everywhere at once and a photographic memory too? So Basically your the Crustie version of God with CC TV and I thought all Crusties were oxygen thieves, my mistake.

Well Trevor, I think you are wasted on this Crustie stuff, you should work for NASA. Of course, given your dislike of capitalism, you could always just work there for free, perhaps they could pay you in cabbage, which you could them divide up using a very precise ruler to ensure that every single one of your Crustie mates gets an equal share.

If you lot really believe that wealth should be split up equally, I would be happy to take a share of your money. I would consider it doing my bit for the team, come on share the wealth!

And by the way before you lot get back on your solar powered Crustie Ship and fly back to whatever planet you are all from, could you fix all the damage you have done and stop at every single home to apologise to the people of Stirling for behaving like a bunch of retards on crack!



06.07.2005 21:17

bakunin,if indeed you were at the "protest" in Bannockburn this morning, thanks a fucking lot for scaring my gran out of her mind,along with most of the elderly residents who stay along the streets you were "protesting" along. Please the next time you want to make a point - riot along a street where the residents don't have to scrimp and save every penny and stick to smashing corporate windows rather than pensioners you selfish cunt. Tell me where your gran stays and i'll get a team of buckied up neds to frighten the shite out of her.

mail e-mail: x

Donna, are my RNA and Prions as much of a waste as my DNA?

06.07.2005 21:28

Hi Donna

I’m glad you enjoyed your burger (just the one I hope).

I’m also delighted that you have proven your ignorance to all of these lovely readers. In your haste reacting to an attack which you do not understand you failed to research your problem and reacted with fear and anger. Well done. It’s a pattern I’m sure you’ll repeat for the rest of your life.

If you had bothered to read the many posts I left today you would know that I am neither a protester nor concerned with the G8. I simply believe in freedom and I have realised the remarkable similarity of the current situation to the many recorded historical occasions over the millennia, when population has had it’s freedom affected negatively by a powerful few who share a selfish agenda. How can repeating history exactly assist in this ‘progress’ you appear to see around you?

I would love to pack up my things and leave. Unfortunately being composed entirely of metal it is hard for my horse or I to move. I will not be joining the protesters either because I do not believe they know what they are really protesting about. Their minds are busy and focused on specific current issues that I fail to comprehend. Having been dead for several hundred years I do not know why they want us all to have warm globes and I have no idea what an Africa is. Is a G8 something to do with Apple Computers?

I am glad you work in a bank, this means you can afford the further education which you have so far neglected to seek.

To help you on your way:

1. The Crustie movement, originating around Cornwall, was a loosely associating group of political activists who throughout the late 80s and early to mid 90s focused on environmental, ecological and lifestyle issues. Their physical appearance and sense of fashion, commonly featuring dreadlocks and loose fitting clothes was presented through the media reports of Crustie actions and quickly spread into the lives of disaffected people worldwide who were in search of a counter culture with which to conform. Crusties were known to appreciate both folk and electronic dance music.

2. Mobile telecommunications devices and Capitalism are both products of human inventiveness and imagination. They are not directly related to each other in any way other than sharing the same time and space in history. Indeed Mobile telecommunications devices were invented before ( the boomerang, smoke signals ) and will far outlive Capitalism.

3. Capitalism occurs as a direct result of Money. Money is a tool which is used to operate a human society. Money was invented before Capitalism and has existed since then without being used for Capitalism (greenbacks, tally sticks). To believe that Money is a product of Capitalism is an intellectual absurdity.

4. Of course everyone should be allowed to live in peace. This however is not what happens. Every day terrible and immoral crimes are committed against the population. The protesters are vaguely aware of this and seem to feel gathering in large groups and making a lot of noise will somehow affect this situation in a positive way. It is not their fault, they are drawn to protest an event like this like a moth to a flame. I seriously hope the people of Stirling do not rise up against the protesters as this would be as illegal, immoral and wrong as the violence already perpetrated by this group of weak minded yobs and Agent Provocateurs (look it up Donna, you might learn something).

5. The protesters have no right to pass judgement on the Stirling locals = The Stirling locals have no right to pass judgement on the protesters. Do unto others... Donna.

6. I would love to hear you define what property is before I comment on the rights and wrongs of destroying it. I’m certain you have no idea what the definition of property is. Personally I always consider it negative behaviour to destroy anything that someone has taken the time and consideration to create, or that which has occurred naturally and is therefore impossible to replicate. It would be with a heavy heart that I chose to destroy anything and I certainly disapprove of destructive behaviour committed by others.

7. It’s true dense matter bends space and time and the matter in all of our bodies has a slight directional influence on light in the visible spectrum. So I celebrate the density exhibited by both of us.

8. I’m fairly certain, but not entirely sure, that you do not actually own any of this oxygen to which you lay claim. Perhaps you could show me some receipts?

Come and visit me up on the hill Donna. Bring your friends. My horse and I are quite lonely and we do so love to talk about freedom and Scotland.

I’ll be up here for a while. I’d love to see you.


Ad Nausem

06.07.2005 21:44

Some of the comments are the pure humor. Circular arguements to try to prove who is right/justified and who is wrong/evil.

Tell me again what is the purpose of these protests? The reasons have been lost in hubris.

Without a doubt the protest is a headache to the local authorities.

Butterfly McCrea

Alex, or shall I say Rob?

06.07.2005 21:58

Now then, correct me if I'm wrong, but it would seem that I am talking to a statue of Robert The Bruce?
What an honour! No wonder you didn't go protesting, being stuck on a hill and strapped to a block of stone really must make certain social situations difficult. Of course, in my opinion all Crusties should be put on a hill and strapped to a block of stone.


Donna, I'm corroding just for you

06.07.2005 22:42

Dear Donna.

You seem so incensed with anger that somehow you have lost the ability to fully comprehend what you are reading. Tell me did those weak willed angry fools break something precious to you today. Is that why you feel the need to group all of the visiting protesters under an umbrella term with negative connotations? I informed you that the Crustie and Hippy movements are both memories. They are gone and the citizens who seek to emulate them are lacking in imagination. The assembled protesters are just that. A mish mash congregation of individuals who feel more empowered as part of a group than alone.

It is a simple mental exercise to work out that there was no injury and that the first early morning post was merely to steer the direction of all further conversation. We do not need to have witnesses, or evidence to see this. In fact I urge anyone who does have evidence, photos of the broken window, the brick or the little girls stitches (with an appropriately dated calendar in the foreground of course) to upload such evidence and put pay to all of this propaganda, counter propoganda and population manipulation. This should be no problem for you Mr Stirling being her father and all.

Please, all educated Scots, forget all of this G8 nonsense and come join me on the hill, quietly of course I wouldn’t want my Gran to be woken up and I feel anyone wishing to visit me and join a discussion of Scottish history and freedom would show the same respect. Plus, not being protesters, political activists or dissenters I’m sure we can all converse reasonably and quietly so as not to require the presence of law enforcement officials or ideological protesters. I would hate to distract them while they seem to be so busy and after all common courtesy should not have to be legislated. Do you agree?

Hope to see you soon Donna.


Well thanks

06.07.2005 23:41

Well thanks been kinda checking all day to see if my mates have got in strife but all I have seen is some basicly petty arguements. Thanks to another I know all is well but really have no clue of what has happend except from bbc news and how biased are they so cheers all.

mail e-mail:


06.07.2005 23:54

Alex put down the methadone, step away from the bottle and quietly lay on the ground.

Are you a statue of Robert the Bruce then Alex? Lay off the methadone mate.

Clandestine Anti Clown Association

Method One? London explosions.

07.07.2005 09:44

Firstly my apologies to Keith. I appreciate that this comment area is intended as a message board to assist you and your friends taking part in the protests. I assume you realise that these messages are not getting through for whatever reason.

Secondly we get back to method one. Because I use my imagination and talk in riddles to try and help the protesters, I am accused of using an opiate based narcotic. The accuser hoping that everyone will agree that I am on drugs of some kind and therefore talking rubbish. Very similar to the earlier posts trying to discredit me by accusing me of alchoholism and conspiracy paranoia. This is an obvious line of attack and Method One to stupid people.

Perhaps you mistook my 'high horse' references to mean something other than my trusty iron steed and my obvious moral indignation.

You then sign off Calandestine Anti Clown Association or CACA for short. This exhibits your lack of imagination and proves your meager intellect. You are copying the acronym of one of the protest groups, not very well I must add. If you had just thought a little harder and dusted off your imagination you might have tried...

Klandestine Anti Klown Association or KAKA... you see, it's more in line with modern fashion and the acronym is more humourous (with a semitic connotation to help muddy the issue).

Anyway in answer to your question and to make my point a little clearer for those of you who watch too much TV... As the quite physical embodyment in the Stirling landscape of the concept of freedom (and a shared culture of rebellion against oppression) I have decided to speak out and help educate both the angry Scots who are visiting this site and the protesters who have fallen into an obvious trap.

The similarites between Gleneagles today and the battlefield where I sit on my horse are:

Both areas of conflict were prepared well in advance with a series of measures designed to defeat the advancing
army. (English Knights/protesters)

In both cases The English Knights and the protesters are compelled to enter the well prepared trap due to their complacent self-belief and belief in rules that do not exist (English knights beleive in the laws of chivalry and the protesters believe in their right to protest, the international human rights laws and local laws regarding the treatment of British citizens and visiting internationals).

In both cases the prepared forces (Bruces army/ G8 security forces) know that there are no rules and that they have free reign treat the advancing crowds as they please.

In both cases an obvious trap is set,

Bannockburn... apparently open ground between the Scots and English is in fact full of coutermeasures to injure horses and troops and the ground is far softer than it appears thus bogging down the initial charge by the English (who were forced to charge uphill due to the battleground being well prepared). The Scots also hide a large number of thier own troops drawing the English in with overconfidence.

Gleneagles... an obviously weak fence (compared to Genoa) is built surrounding the conference center in order to tempt the protesters to breach this dummy defence. Once the protesters breach the fence the security forces are free to do as they will to them. The security forces have the equipment (military helicopters, riot gear, surveillence technology, a communications center in full control of the action, and should they feel the need specialised weapons) they have the numbers (oh yes, they have plenty of back up civilian and military). And now that BOMBS have started going off in London (apparently) they have authorisation and preperation to implement martial law at Gleneagles and in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling and many other places.

I got a report two days ago that a prominent Seaport on the west of Scotland, nowhere near Gleneagles was absolutely full of riot police ready to shut down the sea link to Ireland. Their vans, over 100 of them are all parked in a local primary school playground. Ready for the call.

Now I seriously hope that all TRUE SCOTS can hear me. I'm sitting on my high horse overlooking a wee bit hill and glen and being stuck in one place thinking for a long time gives you vast insight. I will be here for a while yet and I hope that at some point in your life you will all come and visit me. Who knows some of you may even join me.


Police seaport blocking

07.07.2005 10:37

'I got a report' How can you get reports if your a 80 foot high statue sitting in Bannockburn Keith?

Amazing to hear all these people who are getting 'reports' of happenings. Utter bullshit if you ask me, just my opinion which I am entitled to I think. Am I?

The seaport scenario has nothing to do with the G8 summit at Gleneagles. The seaport scenario is a security issue regarding an orange order parade which is happening in Alloa on Saturday Keith. There are 18,000-20,000 people arriving or participating on that march Keith. The 'blocking' of the seaport is another falsehood. There are around 10-20 police at the seaport in question.

Keith your not the only person who lives in or around the Stirling area, your not the only one who knows history of Bannockburn, quit acting like you are and you do.

Finally Keith, please don't take my writings as insulting or making fun because I can assure you it's not meant to be. It's serious.

Recreation man

Listen silly

07.07.2005 10:54

The seaport I was referring to was Troon, which has nothing to do with orange order marches. Right now as I speak there are 100 police vans in Troon Primary playground ready to shut down the Sea Cat service to Ireland and Secure Prestwick Airport. What sea port were you referring to my ignorant friend?

I got the report from the statue of Justice who is situated on Troon seafront. I am freedom... justice and I work together.

I suggest you educate yourself a little better.


Blocked Seaport

07.07.2005 11:17

So your suggesting that some of the orange order bands aren't coming through Troon seaport from Belfast, Ireland then Alex?

I find it quite amazing considering that some orange order bands already here in Central Scotland have been heading through there since last weekend.

May I suggest YOU step from behind your computer, come into the real world and educate youself a little better Alex.

Recreation Man

Unity !

07.07.2005 11:47

Hello, Alex "the true scot",

You look very "instructed?" (sorry, i'm french and i invent words i don't know) and you speak well, i respect your values about freedom of speech and acting, the power to autonomous people giving themselves their own rules they will respect even if they look barbarians or brusk, ...

But your reference to "the true scots" (in big caracters) i hope you refer to state of mind and not to the "blood" of this people...

The fight will be effective with all the differents collectives of minds, cultures and objectives : with the scottish statues, the anarchists, the crusties, the free-party people, the religious searching for peace and tolerance, the bourgeois giving money to ATTAC (non-democratic association), the simple-minded freaks sending messages to go to live8 giving money to several mass-media multinational suporting the waste of our lifes and planet, and even the young people that you judge as not knowing why they came here and made hundreds or thousands kilometers...

Peace, Love, Unity and Having Fun !
(the zulu nation philosophy, for all hip hop conscious actors)

PS:Stop paying attention to the provocating policemen, in the streets or on the web, respond them wisely (as some person did including you, Alex)

Jean Vide

Dear Jean.

07.07.2005 12:41

Hi Jean, glad to hear you are part of the Auld Alliance.

Yes, indeed in your wisdom you have seen that I am referring to a state of mind and not a state of nationality. Every cuture in the world has faced these problems many times before. Because there are Scots reading this site, due to the g8 in their country, I was trying to draw the assosciation in thier minds between their history and contemporary events. By no means would I like a bunch of unfit, uneducated, foul mouthed, drunken humans who had the misfortune of being born in Scotland rising up under some sort of foolish historical, nationalist flag and making a mockery of themselves.

Also due to the unfortunate events in London this morning I fear we will all have our freedom curtailed even more.

As for the little media moles who insist in posting on this site as agents of the home office, they are mere pieces on a game board and participles in an arrogant self destructve mess.

That's right, I'm talking to you recreation man. I wouldn't know or care about the Orange order or why they feel the need to congregrate in groups making noise and marching. It's so old fashioned. I know that the current police presence in Troon is second only to the security arrangements for The Open Golf Championship. This is certainly not in reaction to any outmoded sectarian march which will occur in Scotland THIS week or next or any there have been before or any there will be henceforth. Perhaps you can explain to me why this is? while you contradict yourself and alter your line of argument to try and silence me.

I would love to step from behind my computer, but as you already pointed out.. as a statue I can not move and I do not have a computer. As a concept I already exist throughout the real world. And finally as an educated Human Being I will not be silenced by you or anyone while I feel compelled to share and expand my knowlege.

So I guess you're going to have to come and get me, you know where I am. Wink Wink.

Buy Gold everyone Buy Gold.



07.07.2005 13:45

Alex I agree the orange order are a bunch of tossers!

I have simply responded to your claims of hundreds of police blockading the ferry port at Troon, a regular route from Belfast which funnily enough have hoardes of orange order bands travelling across the sea to Troon then on to Alloa for the march on Saturday.

Now that is the real reason there are a few dozen policemen there, not hundreds as previously claimed by you.

Don’t let the real facts get in the way of a perfectly good rant though.

Ok you’re a statue in Bannockburn then, no worries pal the white coats are on their way!

Recreation man


07.07.2005 14:10

Why is it on this site if you look at both sides of a story you’re a MI5, FBI, police, home office etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. mole?

It’s just possible outside the closed mind of these people like Alex that someone doesn’t share their confused one track view and looks at a scenario from outside the closed mind?



07.07.2005 14:13

Woah there pilgrim. Don't put words in my mouth, I certainly don't know enough about Oranges or Lemons to call them tossers. Again I only know that there were 100 Marked police vans in Troon primary playground tuesday night and I'm certain that it has nothing to do with citrus fruit. Perhaps they are there for a little recreation?



07.07.2005 14:44

It is sad to see that some of the comments on current events have descended to petty bickering, which obscure more important points people have been trying to express. I was present at the demonstartion yesterday and I would like to thank the residents of Auchterader and the surrounding areas for their warm, if bemused welcome.

I was at the front of the march for a long time and the people surrounding me did not attempt to invade or damage the properties of the local residents. The only property which I saw incur some damage was the barley field the march was diverted into, I hope the police informed the owner that they charged across it on horseback and landed a Chinook helicopter on it.

Anybody who takes actions such as throwing a brick through a residents window and harming a young girl does not represent me and the people I was there with and what we stood for. Their action is clearly not to raise attention of the issues of trade justice, dropping the debt, the AIDs pandemic, climate change or anything else genuine protesters stand for. Such violent and selfish action does not make you a protestor, an anarchist or even a nihilist (as anyone doing such a thing does not have the intellectual capacity to comprehend what that means).


Medical info does not support story of girl

07.07.2005 15:48

Someone posting a comment on Indymedia underneath reports of Wednesday's blockades claimed that their 10 year old daughter was in Stirling Royal Infirmary. The comment was posted at 9.45am and claimed that their ten year old daughter needed 18 stitches after a brick was thrown through her bedroom window as she slept.

Stirling Royal Infirmany has now confirmed that there were six admissions yesterday, but due to patient confidentiality would not give any specific informatation. Five were treated and released for minor injuries. One was kept in hospital overnight.

The volunteer medics for the protests have confirmed that they dealt with one admission (an adult) to Stirling with a serious injury that would definalty have been kept in overnight. There is no way that an 18 stitch head wound to a ten year old would be classed as a minor injury.

As such there is no evidence to support this story.

An Indymedia volunteer said he suspected the story and been posted to provoke anti-protestor sentiment. Local councillors have confirmed the story is doing the rounds.

If anyone has any confirmed information about this story please contact indymedia at


Copy of comment posting:


06.07.2005 09:43

So now my hometown of Stirling is being wrecked in the name of protest?

What the F has going down a residential street putting in peoples windows and wrecking their cars got to do with G8 protest?

For your information on this website who advocate "free speech" on the one side... My 10 year old daughter is in Stirling Royal Infirmary this morning with 18 stitches to a head wound due to some anti whatever putting a brick through her bedroom window as she peacefully slept.

Hope your all proud of yourselves. The Scottish people don't want you lot roaming our streets!

