Day 9 of UK Detained Zimbabweans Hunger Strike
no deportations! | 30.06.2005 12:20 | Migration | Repression | Social Struggles
Immigration officials were accused last night of bullying Zimbabwean detainees in an attempt to break their hunger strike. Alleged ringleaders of the protest have apparently been moved into solitary confinement.
Human rights groups and MPs condemned the threats being made against hunger strikers. The Labour MP Kate Hoey said: "This just shows how desperate the Government is to end the hunger strike before they host the G8 summit."
By Daniel McGrory The Times Thursday 30th June 2005

"Zimbabwe is a scar on all decent society and on all processes of democratic normality throughout the world" Lord Triesman, House of Lords 29/06/05
*Zimbabwean detention is arbitrary and unlawful - detainees should be released, says charity *
The charity Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) has called on the government to immediately release all Zimbabwean nationals from UK Immigration Removal Centres. If they are not released, BID is urging detainees to exercise their right to challenge their detention by making a bail application. In a letter to the Home Secretary, Charles Clarke, BID has urged the government to release detainees immediately to ensure that powers of detention are not misused.
Many of the detained Zimbabweans do not have legal representatives, so BID is providing free advice and information to those who have no option but to represent themselves in bail hearings.
BID is preparing evidence for Zimbabweans to use in bail applications to the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal. Detainees are due to prepare their applications this week and will represent themselves in the bail hearings that will be set for next week.
Contact BID: * Sarah Cutler, Policy and Research Officer, BID 020 7247 3590 (BID office) / 07870 643373 /

* Zoe Stevens, Right to Liberty Project Manager, BID 020 7247 3590 (BID office) / 07952 060020 /

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