International Anti-G8 Networking Meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece
ab | 03.06.2005 09:00 | G8 2005 | Free Spaces | Globalisation | World
"We don't want to be what we are now; we want to be what we want to become!"
From 20 – 22 of May 2005 the Antiauthoritarian Movement (Assembly of Salonica), Greece hosted the International Networking Meeting in Thessaloniki to spark off Dissent against the G8.
International networking meeting in thessaloniki
International networking meeting in thessaloniki
International networking meeting in thessaloniki
International networking meeting in thessaloniki
International networking meeting in thessaloniki
International networking meeting in thessaloniki
International networking meeting in thessaloniki
International networking meeting in thessaloniki
International networking meeting in thessaloniki
International networking meeting in thessaloniki
International networking meeting in thessaloniki
International networking meeting in thessaloniki
International networking meeting in thessaloniki
International Networking Meeting in Thessaloniki
International Networking Meeting in Thessaloniki
International Networking Meeting in Thessaloniki
International Networking Meeting in Thessaloniki
International Networking Meeting in Thessaloniki
International Networking Meeting in Thessaloniki
"Don't make the Duck to me!"
The International Networking meeting took place in the Theology Department of the Aristoteles University in Thessaloniki. Due to the mass arrests and repression in Athens the Thursday before, at and after an antifascist demonstration, the participating numbers were limited to in between 20 and 30 in the workshops and discussions.
The International Networking Meeting coincided also with the countrywide Dissent! meeting in Nottingham, Britain.
Back to Thessaloniki, on Friday, more theoretical and tactical discussions took place, evaluating the state of the social movements. A small party rounded the evening up.
On Saturday, the workshops started late, due to discussions about solidarity actions for the arrested in Athens. The planned workshops were pulled together to one presentation and follow-up discussion about the state of the mobilisation and preperations for the protest activities against the G8.
The big party on Saturday lasted till about 10 am on Sunday. However, from the 2000 expected dancers only about 300 showed up to enjoy the multimedia sound and video DJing supported by Babylon media [Babylon newspaper] and the delicious non-vegetarian, extremely tasteful Souflaki. This lack of participation was blamed on Greece winning the European Song Contest.
On Sunday, the discussions started about 7 hours late at 6 pm. As it was getting hot and sunny, the few internationals quickly adapted to sleeping in the day or going to the sandy beaches to swim, and to get active at night. This is not unusual in Greece, as many shops, particularly food shops, taverns and newspaper agents seemed to open till about 3 am. And nothing much seems to happen before 12 midday, either.
Therefore the workshops about Indymedia G8, Scottish law, Euromayday were scrapped and only the discussion about a planned Noborder action week in Xanthi, North Greece, end of August, took place.
To round up the International Networking Meeting an antiwar teatre with the group “OUGKA KLARA” was presented to the participants. The theatre play was originally aimed at pupils and therefore could also be easily understood by the internationals, with a little translation help. The aim of the play was to portray the life cycle, from birth to death, with the army and war taking a huge part of life, health and individuality.
After the theatre play the very hospitable organisers of the Antiautoritarean Movement invited the international guests to a tavern, where we stayed till about 4 am in the morning, experiencing adventurous vegan and vegetarian dishes such like "Salted Seaweed" and "Dandelions in vinegar" and other more common feta variations and a whole lot of wide variety of other foods.
Solidarity with the political hungerstriker Bahoz [declaration] in his fight for political asylum was expressed.
The Tuesday after, a motorcycle demonstration took place to raise awareness for his struggle.
More information under: [Antiauthoritarean Movement Greece | Dissent]