Two arrests on Foxrock demo for Nicolás David Neira Alvares
Acid | 20.05.2005 13:04 | Indymedia
Anarchists in Dublin decided that we did not want his murder to go unanswered so we arranged to have a demonstration on Thursday evening outside the Colombian consul which is located in one of the richest suburbs of Dublin. Not the sort of place that is used to seeing an anarchist march!
As we arrived at the consul which was about 30 minutes walk from the bus stop the political police arrived and quickly arrested a protester for allegedly throwing paint at the consul. A second protester was arrested for asking what was going on. Within five minutes no less than 3 squad cars and 2 vans of Gardai had arrived on the scene so after finding out which Gardai station the arrested were being taken to we marched out of the area again.
Most of the protesters then went to the Dun Laoghaire - we were followed most of the way there by the Gardai vans. A delegation went into the station to find out what our friends were being charged with and when they would be released. As expected they were released shortly after the last buses had stopped running but a couple of people had waited with money we collected for the taxi ride home.
Nicolás David Neira Alvares is not forgotten!