International Day of Solidarity with anarchists on trial in Germany
t | 07.05.2005 09:12
*In Aachen itself: king Juan II of Spain came to
Aachen, as a guest at the ceremony for the prestigious
“Karlspreis”. Despite the enormous police presence and
surveillance of the anarchists in Aachen, comrades
succeeded to unroll banner, to leaflet and make a
small street theatre denouncing the brutality, torture
and murder in the FIES units in Spain.
Anarchists leaflet before the embassy of Germany
In the night of 3 – 4 of May, the “Committee Down all
Borders” puts several slogans on the offices of the
Foreigners’ Police against state repression and
neo-liberal politics. The action is dedicated to the 4
of Aachen.
To protest the inhuman conditions under which the
Aachen 4 suffer, a group of international anarchists
demonstrate before the German consulate.
In the night of 3-4 of May, slogans are painted on the
fence around the yard where the new palace of Justice
is built, also several new windows are smashed.
the text claiming the action reads:
Since the middle of this night these slogans decorate
the fence of the yard of the new palace of justice in
Also some brand new windows got their part.
This to express our anger against the symbol of the
repression machine, the state. Because we are in
solidarity with our imprisoned comrades who have to
take part in a spectacle which is called justice.
As long as there is no freedom, we continue to fight!
Long live anarchy!”
Also in Ghent, the “Deutsche Bank” is painted with
slogan in solidarity with Aachen 4 and Magdeburg. See
Anarchists protest before the embassy, joined by 3
members of Secours Rouge.
* Brighton:
We trashed the Brighton Probation Service & Barclays
Bank, on Wednesday night, 4th of May, 2005. Adding our
own rebellion to the fire spreading across Europe, we
demand the immediate release of the Aachen 4, and
insist that they are not forced to return the torture
cells of the Spanish State, or any other State. Burn
all Judges, Police, Prisons and
Politicians. Destroy Capitalism & Authority-from a few Brighton Anarchists.
* Berlin:
today on afternoon we are at the berlin prison
'moabit' in solidarity
with the prisoners (first of may and aachen4). we read
a letter from gabriel and a text from us.
love and freedom - abc berlin
* Information was also distributed about the case at Mayday events around South America
Later more news (and translations)- keep an eye on