mary brown | 20.04.2005 14:16 | Analysis | Indymedia | Repression | London | World
Her good friend was head of Notting Hill Housing Trust as an influential member of the Labour Party.
Remember the politics - housing is linked to votes, as others have reminded us.
Notice the people that receive priority and see that some get housed immediately whilst others are given slum conditions and treated like vermin. If anyone complains in writing, the tenants that have, quickly find a tenant from hell placed in the flat or house next to them.
Tenants are also suddenly informed by the management that they are in rent arrears. Which cannot be the truth as thier rent is being paid in full by the local authority. Anti-social aggressive behaviour from the management is reportedly used very frequently in an effort to try to goad the tenant that complained in writing into an argument. The newspaper article on this site just supports what too many tenants of the trust are saying.
Countless tenants of the trust are festering in bad conditions not fit to live in and put in rent arrears by the trust, arrears that could not exist. I am hearing more and more terrible stories from tenants that I speak to with the written evidence from the management that stinks as to how tenants are now being treated.
This is institutionalised as all the tenants are saying that these tactics are coming from the top of the management.
This means the Chairman and the Chief Executive. The other management are just following orders.
Kate Davies follows the policies of the Chairman and does not seem to answer any letters of complaint from what all the tenants are saying. Is it true she is getting paid £140,000 a year? What about the expenses and the perks? Many would do the job better on a voluntary basis to sort out the mess and bad management that is being politically directed as it is closely connected to the political party in government and their housing situation is being made worse not better.
The tenants are not listened to, letters are ignored and the management abuse them and treat them like shit.
If letters by the Opposition have been identified, why are the management - meaning Chairman and Chief Executive not doing anything? Because they want their political connections to be enhanced? What is it, a medal, a dameship a knighthood or a peerage?
Yes the organization of which Kate Davies is a member has been providing housing for vulnerable groups. That is what the organization has a duty to do. But does she answer letters from vulnerable tenants and does she deal with the abuse of tenants? Clearly not. Otherwise none of the tenants would be complaining of abuse by management and not listening to the complaints of their own tenants.
In the meantime, tenants suffer whilst the likes of the management promote themselves as being so charitable to others and getting paid huge wages for such charity.
Most people do not seek charity - they seek respect and what they are entitled to - proper housing in good condition that is fit to live in, provided by their registered social landlord which receives large amounts of government funding at a rent that is reasonable - no more - and no less.
mary brown
mary brown
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