aachen4 - international actionday
lorelei | 17.04.2005 09:48 | Repression | London
Wednesday 4th of May 2005
All this has not changed with the opening of the trial. But while this spectacle of justice is played, it hides a very real repression.
On the second day of the trial, Jose pointed to the prosecutor and screamed "No mas tortura. Libertad para tod@s". Later, he declared that he had suffered enough and could not take it anymore. All of us could clearly see that Jose felt very bad, he was pale and completely absent. On the 31st of March, Gabriel ripped of his clothes and entered the court half naked in protest against the treatment he (just as Jose) had to endure, on top of the months of isolation in prison: on trial days standing twice naked before a dozen cops to be strip searched, transported with blind and ear folds by masked special cops, shackled on hands and feet, etc.
The lawyers and the comrades in the public have protested every day in court against the security measures imposed, in vain.
Today, it was the 5th day that Gabriel had to sit half naked in the court room; nothing has changed.
We can and we will not accept this anymore.
Gabriel, Jose and Bart have attacked directly the pillars of this society: property and prison, money and law. Their struggle continues before court and inside prison. By denouncing the prison system (particularly the FIES in Spain) and the society that produces it. By denouncing all those who still think that robbing a bank is worse than owning one.
Therefore they have to be punished.
And therefore we are in solidarity with them.
Act now wherever you are!
Some comrades ‘sin rejas’
Aachen, April 13 2005