How to help undermine confidence in UK general election
SAPT | 15.04.2005 08:59
This is an address by some anti-parliamentary types in the UK.
We are going to be helping to UNDERMINE PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY by contributing to the 'vote fraud' scandal.
You can do it too.
Everyone knows there's going to be massive vote fraud in the coming UK general election. Hopefully this will cause even more people to view politicians as the lying corrupt thieves that they are.
There's an easy way to help this happen!
UK electoral officials say that they are trying to 'uphold public confidence in the electoral system'. Let's pass over the fact that they are local council bureaucrats and therefore no strangers to the payment of backhanders. They do public relations for the stinking system and they know it.
So - here's what to do.
Download and print out as many application forms for postal ballots as you feel like. Go to the local council offices, get hold of the electoral roll for your target area, and copy down the names and addresses of 100 or so people. If you like, choose 'people' such as politicians themselves. Otherwise, just get any numbers you want. Where the form says 'address to send the postal ballot form to', enter whatever address you feel like, so long as it's a real one. The real person's address, a politician's constituency address, the address of an empty house, or whatever.
Preferably do this just before the closing date, which is 22 April 2005.
Do it for the candidates themselves if you like.
This will (unfortunately) only achieve a little. It won't wreck the show, but it will add to the confusion and doubt...
By Some Anti-Parliamentary Types