New Blair manifesto [picture]
captain wardrobe | 14.04.2005 22:27
futures dream is a shopping spree

Captain wardrobe
April 2005
Ricin Terror Scaremomgering as case reveals 10 released with no Ricin found - [yes, you read that right!]
However, An al-Qaeda 'suspect' who stabbed to death a policeman has been jailed for 17 years for plotting to spread ricin and other poisons on the UK's streets" [yes, you also read that right!]
Kamel Bourgass has previously been found guilty of the murder of PC Steven Oake...after a 'terror Swoop' went badly wrong
Terror swoop - in plain clothes?
Anti-terrorist officers went to the flat to detain a suspect who had been certified as an international terrorist by ex-Home Secretary David Blunkett. They were not aware that Bourgass, who was wanted over the ricin find, was also hiding there. Two uniformed officers entered the flat first, but later discarded their protective helmets. Special Branch officers had no protection and DC Oake was wearing a rugby shirt and an anorak.
DC Oake was alone, unarmed and unprotected, in the flat's tiny bedroom guarding both Bourgass and the other suspected international terrorist who had not been handcuffed.
At the time there were 24 people involved in the police operation in or outside the building but only DC Oake and PC Fleming were in the tiny bedroom with Bourgass and the other suspect.
Bourgass was then formally arrested under the Terrorism Act on suspicion of involvement in the ricin find. But, as he tried to escape, he stabbed four police officers a total of 13 times before he was overpowered. DC Oake was stabbed eight times. - ITV story

four officers were 'stabbed' 13 times?
"he was stabbed 8 times, and that 3 other policemen suffered cuts/stabs as well, so that is feasible. Every cut is likely to be called a "stab" in court, and only one of them might have been the fatal one. The claim is that he punched PC Oake in the groin, broke free and got hold of a kitchen knife. Why he was not in handcuffs or why he was still at the scene more than an hour after the door was kicked in is a mystery" -
Spyblog e-mail correspondence with capt wardrobe

thats x 13 [so, mimmick a stabbing action 13 times for yourself - takes a while doesn't it?]
17 years for 'public nuisance' charge?
Al-Qaeda suspect jailed over poison plot
Wed Apr 13 2005 - A suspected al-Qaeda terrorist has been jailed for killing a Special Branch detective and his involvement in a poison plot.
Failed Algerian asylum-seeker Kamel Bourgass was found guilty last June for the murder of Special Branch detective Stephen Oake during a raid on a flat in Crumpsall Lane, Manchester on January 14, 2003.
Because of reporting restrictions, the multi-million pound case can only now be revealed.
In a second trial, which has just ended, Bourgass, 31, was convicted of a charge of conspiracy to commit a public nuisance "by the use of poisons and explosives to cause disruption, fear or injury".
Initially, ten men were charged. Five were subsequently brought to trial, including Bourgass. They have since been cleared but he has been given a 17-year sentence over the public nuisance charge. However,
he was cleared of conspiracy to murder.
Detective Constable Oake was involved in the hunt for men said to be involved in an alleged poison plot after a suspected ricin laboratory was discovered in Wood Green, north London, nine days earlier. -

By definition, how is it possible to be convicted of conspiracy, all on your own ?

did the Special Branch know Bourgass was armed? Did they know that a conviction would be difficult? Did they send in Det. Oakes and his fellow officer in plain clothes before of after the padded tooled up brigade? Did they Goad knowing they could be attacked by a jumpy Bourgass, who was more than a little wary of racism perhaps?
Don't think the cops are capable?: Read this
FIVE retired police officers were [...] being quizzed as part of a reinvestigation of the original inquiry into the brutal murder of a prostitute 17 years ago.
South Wales Police said five retired officers - four men and a woman - were in custody and were being questioned in connection with offences of false imprisonment, conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and misconduct in public office.

Remember those Ricin arrests?
Flashback 2003: British anti-terrorist branch men swooped down on suspected terrorists in the north and east of London in September of 2002 and January of 2003. In one operations on January 5, the plant poison ricin was claimed to have been found in an apartment above a pharmacy in a place called Wood Green. The news flashed around the world.
Two days after the January 5th search of the Wood Green "poison cell" flat, and well before the outbreak of war with Iraq, the chief scientist advising British anti-terrorism authorities, Martin Pearce -- leader of the Biological Weapon Identification Group at Porton Down, had finished lab tests which indicated the ricin finding was a false positive. "Subsequent confirmatory tests on the material from the pestle and mortar did not detect the presence of ricin. It is my opinion therefore that toxins are not detectable in the pestle and mortar," wrote Pearce in one document.
But in an astonishing example of sheer incompetence, another employee at Porton Down charged with passing on to British authorities the information that the preliminary finding of ricin was in error, turned around and did the opposite, informing that ricin had indeed been detected.
At the time of Colin Powell's presentation to the UN Security Council, expert sources in this matter within the UK government surely knew that no ricin had been recovered from the Wood Green group of alleged terrorists, men included by the Secretary of State as part of the US government's rationale for going to war with Iraq. Whether Powell, the Bush administration or U.S. intelligence also knew is unknown. Whatever the case, it was another example of the United States' horrendous intelligence on weapons of mass destruction. -

which one of these stories is true?
If no ricin was found at the flat in Wood Green, London...How can Kamel Bourgass be guilty of 'being a nuisance' by threatening to use it?
Terror Spin?: Trials give terror battle insight
One man has been found guilty of a poison conspiracy but eight others have been cleared. The trials at the Old Bailey gave an insight into how the security services sought to tackle the threat posed after 9/11.
The conviction of Kamel Bourgass releases the stopper on a much bigger story.
Police found the ingredients and recipes for poisons
The authorities in Britain have revealed that al-Qaeda was planning co-ordinated chemical and biological attacks right across Europe - some of which were masterminded in a flat above a chemist shop in north London.
The targets in the capital were to include the underground system as well as suburban streets.
In Paris, the authorities suspect al-Qaeda was to target the Metro, the Eiffel Tower and other tourist attractions in France.
There are also links to groups in Spain, Italy and Germany. The former Home Secretary, David Blunkett, said: "It is absolutely certain that al-Qaeda were planning and preparing for co-ordinated attacks. We were very close indeed to disaster. We were actually much calmer and much more reassuring to the public than we felt ourselves."
The story goes back to 1998 and Osama Bin Laden's terrorist training camps in the Tora Bora Mountains of Afghanistan.
Among the terror trainees was Kamel Bourgass who had been selected as a poisons maker. -
By Mark Easton Home Editor, BBC News

Duncan Campbell - The issue was: where had the information on poisons and chemicals come from?
The information - five pages in Arabic, containing amateur instructions for making ricin, cyanide and botulinum, and a list of chemicals used in explosives - was at the heart of the case. The notes had been made by Kamel Bourgass, the sole convicted defendant. His co-defendants believed that he had copied the information from the internet. The prosecution claimed it had come from Afghanistan.
I was asked to look for the original source on the internet. This meant exploring Islamist websites that publish Bin Laden and his sympathisers, and plumbing the most prolific source of information on how to do harm: the writings of the American survivalist right and the gun lobby.
These were the internal documents of the supposed al-Qaida cell planning the "big one" in Britain. But the recipes were untested and unoriginal, borrowed from US sources. Moreover, ricin is not a weapon of mass destruction. It is a poison which has only ever been used for one-on-one killings and attempted killings.
If this was the measure of the destructive wrath that Bin Laden's followers were about to wreak on London, it was impotent. Yet it was the discovery of a copy of Bourgass's notes in Thetford in 2002 that inspired the wave of horror stories and government announcements and preparations for poison gas attacks.
It is true that when the team from Porton Down entered the Wood Green flat in January 2003, their field equipment registered the presence of ricin. But these were high sensitivity field detectors, for use where a false negative result could be fatal. A few days later in the lab, Dr Martin Pearce, head of the Biological Weapons Identification Group, found that there was no ricin. But when this result was passed to London, the message reportedly said the opposite.
The planned government case on links to Afghanistan was based only on papers that a freelance journalist working for the Times had scooped up after the US invasion of Kabul. Some were in Arabic, some in Russian. They were far more detailed than Bourgass's notes. Nevertheless, claimed Porton Down chemistry chief Dr Chris Timperley, they showed a "common origin and progression" in the methods, thus linking the London group of north Africans to Afghanistan and Bin Laden.
The weakness of Timperley's case was that neither he nor the intelligence services had examined any other documents that could have been the source. We were told Porton Down and its intelligence advisers had never previously heard of the "Mujahideen Poisons Handbook, containing recipes for ricin and much more". The document, written by veterans of the 1980s Afghan war, has been on the net since 1998.
All the information roads led west, not to Kabul but to California and the US midwest. The recipes for ricin now seen on the internet were invented 20 years ago by survivalist Kurt Saxon. He advertises videos and books on the internet. Before the ricin ring trial started, I phoned him in Arizona. For $110, he sent me a fistful of CDs and videos on how to make bombs, missiles, booby traps - and ricin. We handed a copy of the ricin video to the police.
When, in October, I showed that the chemical lists found in London were an exact copy of pages on an internet site in Palo Alto, California, the prosecution gave up on the Kabul and al-Qaida link claims. But it seems this information was not shared with the then home secretary, David Blunkett, who was still whipping up fear two weeks later. "Al-Qaida and the international network is seen to be, and will be demonstrated through the courts over months to come, actually on our doorstep and threatening our lives," he said on November 14.
The most ironic twist was an attempt to introduce an "al-Qaida manual" into the case. The manual - called the Manual of the Afghan Jihad - had been found on a raid in Manchester in 2000. It was given to the FBI to produce in the 2001 New York trial for the first attack on the World Trade Centre. But it wasn't an al-Qaida manual. The name was invented by the US department of justice in 2001, and the contents were rushed on to the net to aid a presentation to the Senate by the then attorney general, John Ashcroft, supporting the US Patriot Act.

Don't forget:
BLAIR: "luk, he's a fascist,
not me, er, honest!"
Hours after anti-terrorist police officers broke up an alleged ricin terrorist plot, Tony Blair appeared on television describing the find as a stark illustration of the dangers that were posed by weapons of mass destruction.
The following month, Mr Blair went to the Commons to tell MPs that the alleged conspiracy was "powerful evidence" of a continuing terror threat to the nation. It is a theme to which he will no doubt return nearer the election. -
The same house?
The acquittals also cast doubt on the reliability of the evidence against the former Belmarsh detainees who were released under strict control orders last month.
The terms of the orders signed by the Home Secretary, Charles Clarke, include fresh allegations that all had "links with North African groups involved in the use of toxic chemicals in the UK". But the only apparent evidence for that link was that the former Belmarsh detainee known as P, a double-amputee Algerian, was arrested in Manchester at the same house where DC Oake was murdered. P is now the subject of a control order.
ALSO: Since 11 September 2001, the police have made 702 arrests, mostly of Muslim men, under the Terrorism Act 2000. Only 17 have been convicted of any terrorist offence.
BBC News 24 - April 14th: " Opposition leader Michael Howard has criticised the government on allowing a failed asylum seeker to 'implement a terrorist attack'..."
IT NEVER ACTUALLY HAPPENED yet, this is spun to suggest it did...
BBC Online: "Tory leader Michael Howard has said Tony Blair's failure over asylum led to ricin plotter Kamel Bourgass being able to commit his crimes..."

Echos of fearmongering in other media follow:
The Mail lays the blame squarely at the door of the UK's "asylum 'chaos'" which "allowed ricin plotter to kill".
"This officer was killed by someone who should have been deported when his asylum application failed." - Ricin plotter caged

The breakthrough in what was to become the biggest terrorist plot yet to reach
court came about at the beginning of January 2003 when MI5 were contacted by
the Algerian security services with some shocking information. They had
arrested a suspected Algerian terrorist, Mohammed Meguerba, 36, who told them
he had been working with al-Qa'ida supporters in Britain and had been helping
them produce poisons at a flat in north London.
Meguerba claimed one of the main figures behind the poison plot was a man
named "Nadir", which was one of the names used by Kamel Bourgass. Meguerba
said that when he last saw "Nadir" in September 2002, the two of them had
already succeeded in making "two pots" of ricin - which were not found when
police raided the Wood Green flat.

evidence gained under torture?
the attacks on synagogue angle
an attempt to fuel a race war in North London
A Muslim man bombarded synagogues with telephone calls for three days
threatening to kill, rape and blow up Jews.
Riaz Burahee, 25, of Edmonton, north London, who has photographs of Osama bin
Laden at his home, admitted 10 offences.
Wood Green Crown Court heard Burahee told police he made the calls because he
had been insulted by a Jew.
The court heard he had made as many as 92 calls, telling people to leave the
building or be bombed.
Burahee, who described himself as a Muslim with strong religious beliefs, said
he had no links to terrorism.
Photographs of Bin Laden and militant US civil rights activist Malcolm X were
found in his room.

i used to live near Stamford Hill - a predominantly Jewish area.
[nice bagels! bloody good suits!]
but there are idiots:
Councillor denounces racism
Councillor Paul Nesbitt told the Manchester edition of the Jewish Telegraph
(24.04.98) that he felt ashamed of the racism exhibited by some Jews
concerning the proposed sale of the former Prestwich Brooklands Library to a
Muslim organisation for a mosque and community centre. He said: "I have had
eight phone calls from Jews making racist remarks against Asians and Muslims.
It is absolutely appalling. I was ashamed that such remarks were coming from
Jews. They had no shame. They told me that if I was a good Jew, I would do
everything in my power to stop these people coming. We should be the last
people on earth to be narrow-minded and racist. Some of those who complained
were pensioners who were older enough to have experienced what happened under
Hitler and Mosley. Now they are doing exactly the same to another race. They
should put their brain into gear before they put their mouth into operation".
[BMMS April 1998 Vol. VI, No. 4, p. 11]

half a mile up the road there is a
predominantly Turkish Muslim communities not far away
northerly on Turnpike lane...and more mixed muslim area to the south at stoke
Constituencies with high % of Muslim votes 1997 [old sorry]

wood green not listed
The Algerian angle is strange...
i feel anyone living in london will see the news and feel
that this guy
has nothing to do with the muslim community...
it becomes something else
Algerians are a stereotypical target for Asylum abuse
racist jokes
as are Eastern Europeans
then we have the possibility that
Meguerba was indoctrinated by
ex neonazis like David Myatt
the said guru to nail bomber
David copeland
[check down my page]

the nail bomber
Steve Sargent, from Essex, was one of the hard-line nazis who split away from
Combat 18 to set up the NSM in 1997. When Copeland applied to join, Sargent
was one of those who approved his membership.
NSM leader Tony Williams wrote to Copeland to tell him he had been accepted as
a full NSM member. In February 1999, Williams wrote to Copeland again,
appointing him Unit Leader, in charge of the NSM in his own area.
The letter said "Welcome to leadership, responsibility and accountability to
your comrades. Yours ever, Heil Hitler." But like Steve Sargent, Williams was
not at all keen to discuss with Panorama his involvement with Copeland.
But the man whose ideas had more influence than most on Copeland was David
Myatt from Worcestershire, founder member of the NSM and its first leader. He
once said the nazi movement needed people "prepared to fight, prepared to get
their hands dirty, and perhaps spill some blood."
Myatt, the group's intellectual, shaped the ideas that propelled David
Copeland on his road to terrorism. He was confronted by Panorama reporter
Graeme McLagan but refused to comment.
But despite many letters between Copeland and his political leaders, when his
terror campaign began,
the police Special Branch had never heard of David Copeland.

oh really???
"...his [Myatts] plan all along was to understand Islam, find allies, and
bring militant Muslims and National Socialists together to fight their common
enemy. Myatt has since confirmed that this was his plan, his aim. Not once
did he renounce his National Socialism; instead, his experiences enabled him
to complete his ethical National Socialist philosophy.
In addition, Myatt has asserted that Islam is not compatible with National
Socialism: "There are fundamental, and irreconcilable, differences between
National-Socialism, Islam, and Christianity. National-Socialism, as I have
stated, is a complete Way of Life - independent from, and different from,
other Ways." (From: "The Theology of National-Socialism")
Myatts homepage [caution advised]

question: are there more David Myatts
are they just neo-nazis on a havoc causing mission...
or are they in turn steered by
political forces who have a vested interest in the
profits form a securi-tech industry
which is
perpetually in a state of red alert
any way
my main worry is that a terrorist attack in the
style of the Madrid atrocity
will be implemented
Mr Clarke defended the tough new law. He reminded MPs that the Madrid bombings
took place during the Spanish general election campaign.
"Maybe such things can always be possibilities here too," he said. -

how chilling is that?
[especially if said in a German accent!]
remember operation Gladio?
Blairs friend Berlusconi
Berlusconi - was head of Group 17- P2's media section tasked with influencing
public opinion and with P-2's help moved into the television business , his
companies now dominate the Italian media and have been instrumental in his
election success in a coalition with the 'National Alliance' a split from the
old Fascist part . The Media in Italy continues to link the modern radical
left with the 'days of lead', with i.e. the terrorism of the 70's. -
struggle free earth

One of P-2's specialties was the art of provocation. Leftist organizations
like the Red Brigades were infiltrated, financed and / or created, and the
resulting acts of terrorism, like the assassination of Italy's premier in
1978 and the bombing of the railway station in Bologna in 1980, were blamed
on the left. The goal of this "strategy of tension" was to convince Italian
voters that the left was violent and dangerous-by helping make it so.
- Mark Zepezauer

Gianfranco Fini meets The Queen
Tuesday March 15, 2005 - The Queen became embroiled in a row over fascism and
football when she met Italy's foreign minister, Gianfranco Fini, the leader
of the neo-fascist National Alliance, at Buckingham Palace.
Mr Fini and his wife Daniela arrived in London [..] accompanying Italy's
president, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, on a three-day state visit.
"He waved at us and managed to hold himself back from his normal salute," said
the joint secretary of Unite Against Fascism, Weymouth Bennett. "It is a very
dangerous precedent that someone like him, who has swapped his black shirt
for an Armani suit, should be able to claim respectability by meeting the
Palace officials admitted the Queen would have shaken hands with Mr Fini when
the Italian party was introduced to the monarch at Buckingham Palace.
"He is here in his official capacity as foreign minister and the Queen is
effectively looking after the guests of the Italian president," a palace
spokesman said. - guardian
Mystery lifted on Queen's Perogative powers
Full list of those powers
Domestic Affairs
The appointment and dismissal of ministers;
The summoning, prorogation and dissolution of Parliament;
Royal assent to bills;
The appointment and regulation of the civil service;
The commissioning of officers in the armed forces;
Directing the disposition of the armed forces in the UK;
Appointment of Queen's Counsel;
Issue and withdrawal of passports;
Prerogative of mercy. (Used to apply in capital punishment cases. Still used,
eg to remedy errors in sentence calculation)
Granting honours;
Creation of corporations by Charter;
Foreign Affairs
The making of treaties;
Declaration of war;
Deployment of armed forces overseas;
Recognition of foreign states;
Accreditation and reception of diplomats.

much more here

I sure hope that i am wrong...
best wishes
Captain wardrobe
captain wardrobe