support human rights activists in Colombia
Paul | 09.04.2005 20:52 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles
Senor Presidente Alvaro Uribe Velez
Presidente de la Republica
Palacio de Narino
Carrera 8 No 7-2
Dear President Uribe
I am writing to let you know of my deep concern at the death threat sent to DANILO RUEDA and other members of Justicia y Paz on 29th March. The threat was delivered to the office of Justicia y Paz in Bogota, and accused DANILO RUEDA and other members of this respected non-governmental organisation of being guerrilla supporters.
Justicia y Paz had recently intervened in a hearing of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights of the Organisation of American States, lodging a complaint that indigenous and Afro-descendent communities were being forced off their land due to the actions of the army and their paramilitary allies in the departments of Curvarado, Jiguamiando and Choco.
I urge you in the strongest terms to guarantee the safety of DANILO RUEDA and other members of Justicia y Paz, in accordance with the precautionary measures granted to this organisation by the Inter-American Commision of human Rights in September 2003.
I further call on you to establish a full and impartial investigation of this serious threat, to make the results public, and to bring those responsible to justice. Please take immediate and effective action, in line with what is deemed appropriate by the recipients of this these threats, to ensure that members of Justicia y Paz can continue to carry out their important and legitimate work defending human rights in Colombia.
I would take this opportunity to remind you of your obligations to human rights defenders, as laid out in the UN Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognised Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; the Organisation of American States’ Human Rights Defenders in the Americas resolutions, and in repeated recommendations made to you by the UN.
I urge you, finally, to take immediate action to dismantle paramilitary groups, in line with your government’s stated commitments and Un recommendations.
Thank you for your time, I await your reply with interest,
Yours Faithfully,
Copies can be posted to the address at the top of the page, or faxed to +57 1 337 5890 / 342 0592
Please also send a copy to:
His Excellency Mr Alfonso Lopez-Caballero
Embassy of Colombia
Flat 3a
3 Hans Crescent
Fax: 020 7581 1829 / 020 7589 4718