Video: "No Lager - Nowhere". April2nd - European Action Day
KMII Hanau/Umbruch Bildarchiv Berlin | 22.03.2005 15:26 | Anti-racism
A german/english preview of the video you will find here:
From the film description:
“Camps for refugees and migrants - everywhere in Europe you can find these places, that cannot be found on any usual map. Camps aim on exclusion and deterrement, and serve as a filter for the labourmarkets. Camps create a hierachy of rights and represent a cornerstone of global apartheid. It is time to draw new maps, maps of resistance:
to tear down the visible and invisible fences and walls, in each case to attack all lagers and detentions by any means necessary. The film documents various experiences and actions from eight countries: an accusation of testimonies on one hand, but mainly a patchwork of resistance, which should encourage and inspire to intensify and to transnationalise the struggles against the lagerregimes.”
The institutionalizing as well as the internationalizing of the camp regime seems to advance instopably, the camps located in the new eastern memberstates of the EU and even in Lybia show openly the character of current European migration politics. With this background it seems even more important to internationalize counter-publicity as well as protests and resistance against “the universe of camps and deportation prisons”. The film is thought to be a contribution to show the European dimension of camps as part of a global migration regime, secondly it is supposed to support exchange and mutual inspiration of initiatives and networks, practizing resistance on different levels.
Further information:
"No Lager - Nowhere". 39 Min., Berlin 2005, VHS or DVD, english or german Version
order: KMII/AG3F - Hanau, Metzgerstr. 8, 63450 Hanau, Email:
Sent a donation, 5 to 10 Euro, to the following bank account:
Hagen Kopp, Stichwort "nolager", Postbank Frankfurt, Kontonr: 469921607, BLZ: 50010060
KMII Hanau/Umbruch Bildarchiv Berlin
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