Warning - Linda McCartney Vegan Fast Food.
tony@foodsforlife.org.uk | 21.03.2005 15:36 | Animal Liberation | Health | London
Vegetarian nutritionist says aim for delicious and nutritious.
There's no question that it's much harder to get tasty vegan choices when you are out about and if you fancy more than salad and chips or a pret a manger hummous and roasted vegetable wrap you are in trouble.
"I'm certainly a sucker for that high protein all day veggie breakfast and although I'd rather have a more succulent veggie sausage a linda McCartney cheap chipolata effort is way better than a bag of crisps." Says author of the Hamlyn Vegan Cookbook .
However in todays Jamie "dinner lady" Oliver, supersize me, fast food nation, don't feed my kids dog food, you are what you eat, food doctor culture the nutritionists are twitching.
London Nutritionist from Foods For Life is worried busy mums, students, and people with busy lifestyles may over do it on the Vegan Fast food front - and follow the lead from the lad at The Vegan Society.
Yvonne Bishop Weston BSc Dip ION mBANT says "It's very important that you check products for hydrogenated fats and avoid them. Eating hydrogenated fat will make it even harder for vegans and vegetarians to get enough vital essential omega 3 into their systems to ensure healthy brain and heart function. Even if you are not eating products laced with hydrogenated trans fats I recommend supplementing your diet with high lignan flax oil to reach optimum health. If you are regularly eating products containing hydrogenated fat then you should be even more vigilant and include lots of anti oxidant rich foods to try to avoid a whole host of potential health problems in later life."