2nd European Day of Actions for Migrant Rights - April 2nd
(Campaign to Close Campsfield) | 14.03.2005 10:52 | Oxford
2nd April 2005
12 noon - 2pm Cornmarket, Oxford
stall / letter-writing/ music/ street theatre
Campaign to Close Campsfield / Bicester Refugee Support and others
"We stand against racism and Fortress Europe and for the rights of migrants and asylum seekers; for freedom of movement; for citizenship of residence and the closing of detention centres. We oppose deportation of migrants. We
propose a day of action on 2 April 2005, against racism, for freedom of movement and for the right to stay as an alternative to a Europe based on exclusion and exploitation."
- declaration of the Assembly of Social Movements, European Social Forum, London, 2004
Please come and help make this an eye-catching event. Let thus email address know if you can be there.
NB This will be on the same day as events in Manchester, Edinburgh, London, elsewhere io the UK and over 50 other towns and cities in Europe.
(Campaign to Close Campsfield)