New Arrivals and Employment - Challenging Exploitation in the Workplace
Indy Brum Volunteer | 12.03.2005 10:10 | Migration | Social Struggles
Venue - United Services Club, Gough St, Birmingham, B1. 9 off Queensway, Mailbox side.)
Organised by ARC, the Birmingham Anti-Racist Campaign, supported by the T&GWU
For further details call 07973 945873
*Develop links between Tradue Unions, activists and new arrivals in the West Midlands
*Discuss government proposals for forced labour for "failed" asylum seekers.
*Develop concrete strategies for local actions/campaigns.
"Many asylum seekers and refugees face appalling conditions and exploitation in the workplace, often amounting to slave labour. And it's getting worse. Recent legislation legalises slave labour by allowing the Home Office to force "failed" asylum seekers who cannot immediately be returned to their countries of origin to do unpaid community work or face destitution.
Trades Unions such as the T&GWU and community groups like TELCO have begun to mount successful campaigns in London and the West Country to improve the working conditions of low paid workers, many of whom are new arrivals and some of whom will be forced by the Home Office to work for no pay at all.
The work of these groups is part of a growing momentum to challenge workplace conditions with illegal rates of pay, poor health and safety and gang master employment practices, and is especially important if we are to
counter growing government interest in exploiting new arrivals in the workplace still further.
This conference, organised by the Birmingham Anti-Racist Campaign, will offer an opportunity to learn about and discuss these initiatives, and to explore strategies for developing similar campiagns locally. Speakers will
include T&GWU cleaners and organisers from the Canary Wharf campaign in London, and newly arrived workers to the West Midlands."
Indy Brum Volunteer