capital of Vulture ? Culture Watch 2008
bakunin | 15.02.2005 13:49 | Culture | Indymedia | Liverpool
“ O, gentlemen, the time of life is short!
And if we live, we live to tread on kings……
- Shakespeare, Henry IV
“Capital of Culture has got to be about more than luxury apartments and
- Alan Bleasdale, Radio 4 Aug 04
Dear Friends,
What we are about:
Culture Watch provides a forum for critical dialogue about all that surrounds the 2008 Capital of Culture. We believe that 2008 offers a unique and positive opportunity, but we are not willing to sit back and let those involved forget that culture is about communities and people. It is not just about apartments for the rich, Harvey Nicks, and Firework Displays anymore than it is about Impoverished estates, Poundland and Bingo. We want to support the good work being done around 08. We also want to ensure that those involved know they are being watched that they are accountable. It’s ‘our culture’ that won the bid, so it’s our right to have a voice. We want, no, we demand, that our city thrives and makes the most of this unique opportunity.
A recent government paper called….ermmm…er…LEADING THE GOOD LIFE !!
Guidance on Integrating Cultural and Community Strategies states that
“ Culture is at the very core of the sort of lives we all [our emphasis] want to lead, meeting our profoundest needs for self fulfilment as well as helping us to develop social bonds. This fundamental, life enhancing attribute of culture to tackle our very quality of life provides the strongest case for integrating cultural and community planning” ( Executive Summary Pg 1 )
Well someone better tell that to the people who seem intent on driving some of the most vulnerable members of the community out of our city centre as if they have no right to be there…
One respondent to our initial email said this:
“My main concern is the cleansing of the city centre. We seem to have a ‘zone’ within which anything that may disturb the comfort of the tourist / visitor / is permitted. I don’t want to see homeless people, beggars etc on the streets of the city centre – but what I wish for is a solution to the problem – more hostel beds, more support for addicts, not for them to be swept out of the gold zone and into the margins where services are less available, and where they are more vulnerable.
“ We have nothing of our own but time, which is enjoyed precisely by those who
have no place to stay” - Baltasaar Gracian, L’Homme de Cour
But it isn’t just the homeless who are being excluded as this correspondent to the echo points out
“ My guess is that the Chavasse Park / Paradise street development is to be the beacon for this award but no way will this reflect the true culture of Liverpool. Our city is about the port of Liverpool, the docks, the scouse sense of humour and the cultural mix of people from all over the world. …..Liverpool culture is all about Liverpool and its people and not big business……Liverpool should look after its gems and not destroy them”
[George Downey, Allerton. Echo Letters 26.8.04]
By the looks of it George is a prime Culture Watch candidate !!
Having said that, we would suggest that those who are still suffering from the racism that is still rampant in the city might wish to take issue with the ‘cultural mix’ presumption. We would suggest that some of our strongest communities are still bearing the brunt of inaction, ineptitude and complacency regarding racism in Liverpool. Further, anyone who has been unfortunate enough to see Pauline Daniels may wish to subject the scouse sense of humour claim to a bit of a sterner test. The next time Cilla honours ‘her’ city with her presence we expect a street blockade demanding that she be ‘descoused’ and Keith Carter’s character Nige instated as our cultural ambassador.
… And while we are on popular culture …….as George stated in his letter
“Liverpool should look after its gems and not destroy them”
Well have a look at to see a great piece of cultural blindness. Music should always look forward, but we need to defend what we have as well as innovate, the closure of The Picket is cultural madness.
Das Capital
The Bid for Capital of Culture makes a great deal about the economic impact 2008 will have on the city. Businesses will thrive and profit from the visitors, events, tourists ( 2 million in one year). That’s a lot of profit for a lot of companies. The Culture Company recently used 20.08 (i.e. 20th August 2004) to highlight how much was going on in the city. IF the local economy is going to be so enriched by 08 why don’t the culture company propose the following:
A proposal
On 20.08 in years 05/06/07 all the companies in the city centre (i.e. those whowill most directly benefit from 08) donate 20.08% of their profits that day to the culture company to support their work?
Seems like fair play to us, and a small ask of those who stand to gain the most. That way the Culture Company may not need to be highjacking neighbourhood renewal monies from our most deprived communities and could be adding to, rather than latching on to, the local cultural landscape. We believe that the economic regeneration of the CITY is vital. We get very concerned when we read that:
“ In our experience 70% plus of the contracts ( for the Grosvenor Paradise
Street development) will go to businesses OUTSIDE the Merseyside boundaries, most of whom employ their own work-force, or else companies moving in to the city on a temporary basis”
[ Bill Hewitt, Director Congress Architectural Joinery L6, Echo Letters 26.8.04]
We think the Culture Company need to look at this. Are we simply going to be consumers of 08, or is 08 going to provide us with a legacy? We want the best in 08. Do we have the local expertise to provide it? Maybe?, and if we don’t – why aren’t we working NOW to ensure that the education, training and skills are in place.
We do not think its good enough that we go to events, we want a guarantee that events are staffed by a skilled up local workforce taking home the pay packets and spending them in our communities.
If you are cynical about what change can be brought about / or what pressure to bear it is worth noting that a letter appeared in the echo in the week beginning 9/8/04 highlighting the damaging effect that on the Mersey’s wildlife which the
proposed balloon release on 20/8/04 was likely to have. It seems that the team did listen, as we have not had any reports of the balloon release. Well done Bob Kurac for highlighting the issue.
A rather amusing reponse to Bob’s letter appeared a couple of days later from Emma Goldman, stating that the culture team seemed to have trouble with the environment, especially clouds and waves!!
Nice one you too…keep the pot simmering……
Anyway that’s almost enough from us for now. We love our city and its culture, but its time to up the anti, where are the dissenting, critical voices in the city? As Alan Bleasdale recently said on radio four:
“Capital of culture has got to be about more than luxury apartments and
knighthood’s”…No dig at Mr Henshaw there then!
Are you concerned about the recent developments in the city? Well you are in good company. Judging by the response to our initial email it seems that others want to monitor the Culture Company, LCC, NWDA, Liverpool Vision and the others responsible for 08.
At Culture Watch we will give a platform for your views. We need information, we need gossip, we need facts, we need your views…..
Is there a culture of ‘jobs for the boys’ or are we getting the best people?. Is you business, organisation or community benefiting or loosing from Capital of Culture? Is there critical thinking in the Culture Company. Can they deliver their promises? Are we in for more Mersey Wave and Cloud Fiasco’s. Where is the funding coming from? What’s the real story behind the cloud, the kings dock, Paradise Street?
Is your idea or initiative being supported by the Culture Company or are they simply claiming what existed as theirs?. How are the communities that underpinned the bids going to benefit?. Is it all about the city centre?
Do you give a damn? If you do please articulate it……
Many of us are in a difficult position, we know from your responses that you find it hard to be a critical voice within your company, business, workplace, organisation, union, or community. Maybe you work for the Culture Company, Council, Local Media etc and you may have concerns but do not have a platform for them – well you do now. We do not need to know WHO you are. You now have our email address. If you don’t want to use your personal, or work e-mail the solution is simple – set up an anonymous web based account using, or another free email service.
We will not publish anything with your name on, or allure to where any
information has come from. Once the website is up we will have a bulletin board so you can post your stuff directly.
Michael Bakunin.
“And whoever becomes ruler of a city accustomed to living freely and does not destroy it, let him expect to be destroyed by her, because as a refuge for her rebellions she always has the name of liberty and her old customs, which neither through the length of time nor any good deed will ever be forgotten. And whatever one does there and whatever one provides, if it is not to persecute or disperse the inhabitants, this name and these customs will never be forgotten”
- Machiavelli, The Prince
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