Alaska has approved the shooting of over 1000 wolves
Ytzhak | 15.02.2005 04:52 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | Globalisation
will the wolves survive
by Lobo • Monday February 07, 2005 at 09:02 PM
Darien, Conn. -- Throughout the month of February, activists opposed to Alaska's state-sponsored aerial wolf-killing seek 28,000 pledges supporting a boycott of Alaska tourism.
Friends of Animals, an international animal advocacy organization with 200,000 members, notes that the latest plans of Alaska's officials include an intent to kill as many as 1,025 wolves by the end of April. Already 86 wolves have been killed this winter.
To intervene in the aerial assault on Alaska's wolves, Friends of Animals organized a boycott of the state's $2 billion-a-year tourism industry. Since November 2003, when the state started allowing hunter-pilot teams to shoot wolves, over 200 "Howl-Ins" have been organized across North America, and in Germany, Japan, and Great Britain. At these events, members of the public can join in the activism and sign individual postcards to Alaska's governor.
Today, Friends of Animals introduces the first Virtual Howl-In.
The Virtual Howl-In will complement Friends of Animals community-based Howl-Ins and enable wolf supporters to enter their names and addresses into an online form on the Friends of Animals website. Friends of Animals will then mail a physical postcard to Alaska's Gov. Frank Murkowski on behalf of each signatory.