Anti-ID Card Picket at Home Office
Winston Smith | 02.02.2005 12:38 | Repression | Social Struggles | Technology | London
London as part of the national day of action against ID cards on Friday
28th January.
distributed to employees and people visiting the Home Office, many of whom seemed supportive of the protest. The picket was joined by several Haringey school students (some involved in setting up a new group - Haringey Students Against ID cards) who took the afternoon off school to join the protest.
Haringey Against ID cards meets every fortnight and has been setting up an info stall on busy streets around the borough most Saturdays since the start of December (and an extra stall outside a tube station during the evening rush hour on the day of the second reading of the ID cards bill). As well as distributing leaflets, the stalls have window posters and other info for people to take and a defiance pledge for people to sign to say that they intend to refuse to co-operate with ID cards if they're brought in. So far the response has been pretty good and a few hundred people have signed. (Note: it's not a petition and will not be given to any government body, but is aimed at encouraging defiance of any ID card laws brought in, because people are more likely to be prepared to defy the laws if they feel they're not on their own.)
If anyone in Haringey is interested in getting involved with the group our meeting and contact details can be found at (a not very glossy or hi-tec webpage!)
Winston Smith