Police Chief in Trouble
Lucy | 12.01.2005 21:06
Monday, 10 January 2005
A senior Police officer has sought advice from hunting organisation admitting that officers will find it difficult to distinguish between illegal and legal hunting after the Hunting Act comes into force on February 18th.
In reply, Alistair Jackson of the MFHA explained the difficulties even for experienced observers of hunting, saying "I would consider it almost impossible for anyone to know if a pack of hounds was hunting a fox or a drag. I do not envy you your job."
Darren Hughes, Spokesman for the Countryside Alliance, said: "We have consistently warned the Government that the Hunting Act is bad legislation and that it would be practically un-enforceable. If senior police officers can't differentiate between legal and illegal hunting, how on earth is a village bobby going to be able to tell when hunts meet as normal on 19th February? It is preposterous that the Government are forcing already overstretched police forces to waste extremely valuable resources implementing this ridiculous law."
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