IMCista | 05.12.2004 17:51 | World
at the UN in Geneva in protest at the UK and
other governments' blocking of an historic UN
declaration on indigenous rights.
3 December 2004
Negotiations are taking place at the UN this week
over the Draft Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples. This year marks the end of
the UN Decade of Indigenous Peoples, during which
the draft declaration has been completed
following hundreds of consultations with
indigenous representatives. It would be the
strongest international agreement on indigenous
peoples - but the UK, along with the USA and
other governments, is blocking its progress. Many
indigenous delegates to the UN believe that the
British position is motivated by its close
relationship with the USA.
The UK and the USA refuse to recognise collective
rights, which are essential for the survival of
tribal and indigenous peoples.
In a statement from Geneva, the hunger strikers
said, 'We are in this great house but it is not
our house. We are in a palace where documents are
written for peoples but not for our indigenous
peoples. They open doors for us to enter but they
close their ears and heartsŠ There is one thing
we should never do - we should never, never give
up our rights.'
Earlier, Grand Chief Ted Moses of the Grand
Council of the Crees from Canada said, 'Current
UK policies on indigenous peoples' human rights
are relics of colonial policies that have failed.'
The strike ended yesterday following talks with
UN representatives, but the UK remains
intransigent. The strike was supported by
indigenous organisations from Alaska, Amazonia,
Argentina, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Colombia,
Ecuador, French Guyana, Guatemala, Hawaii, Kenya,
Mexico, the Moluccas (Indonesia), Morocco, New
Zealand, Panama, Peru and the USA.
For more information contact Miriam Ross on (+44)
(0)20 7687 8734 or

Photos and footage of indigenous people available.
Survival International
6 Charterhouse Buildings
London EC1M 7ET
Tel: (+44) (0)20 7687 8700
Fax: (+44) (0)20 7687 8701