Trade Free Zone Declared In Cambridge!
Ye Olde Shoppe Assystante | 28.11.2004 21:47 | Cambridge
The site of the Trade Free Zone
Ye Olde Free Shoppe.
The signs were there for all to see...
NO Price Sale!
Activists being active.
For Xmas...
The (very) Light Temporary Railway System.
Under Starter's Orders...
Teddy sings for his supper...
...but, is anyone listening?
Teddy Gets Arrested and Imprisoned! (Needed a Busker's License)
HamsterCam (tm)
TrolleyCam (tm)
Swanning Around...
Not much was shifted from the Free Shop this time, probably due to the fact that no one wanted to linger long in the rain (except for foolhardy activists and tat traders like ourselves)!
However,a few passersby did stop to enquire what this minor interruption in the space-time continuum was all about, one person very wrong-headedly calling it a 'Free Trade Zone' - on which we had to correct them and declare it was actually a TRADE FREE Zone!!
Some little notelets were put up, stating what people wanted to do with their Christmas (see picture) - although my own contribution ("Ignore Christmas") didn't make it to the line before we all decided to pack up, due to our being utterly frozen and sodden.
As you will also see, a minor temporary modification to the region's infrastructure was made for the period we were there, in the form of a light railway system, harking back to the time when there actually was a Tram running along Kings Parade (not in my lifetime though)!
On my journey home, I spotted a Swan conversing with pedestrians by the river.
On the whole, a very damp time was had by all!
Ye Olde Shoppe Assystante
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