The Liberation of America (an essay from 2016)
pkj | 19.11.2004 10:29 | Anti-militarism | London | World
Paul Kincaid Jamieson
(Filed: November 2016)
Even a decade later there are those secrets which will remain sealed. Like the old story of the firing squad and the one man who has a blank cartridge, secrets spread suspicion from the guilty to the innocent.
What I can say in 2016 that remains as accepted fact is that in the fall of 2005 NATO commanders had gathered in Norway for a series of war games.
Some of the officers began holding secret talks in the meeting room of the Bergen Best Western Victoria hotel. As one historian would later quip, “More rare a humble beginning is far from human memory.”
Regardless of the origins, the Victoria Talks were the genesis of all that followed.
What perplexes some researchers to this day, and no doubt will continue to do so until the Official Secrets Act expires in another fifty years, is why the discussion was first broached by an American general.
Looking back now at that time there was a kind of morale-eating disease digesting it's way through the United States. From the White House to the CIA, from West Point to Annapolis, across the nation there was a profound leap from the safety of the old society into a seemingly bottomless abyss called “the new culture of Life”, as ordained by President Bush.
Dark times that called for action.
The strategic elements of the Victoria Talks were as follows:
The swift decapitation of the United States government. Followed by the near instantaneous closure of the old “Mason-Dixon Line” separating the North from the South.
Acting in concert with the military part of the plot other operations plans were laid to introduce subversive satellite transmitted radio and television feeds across America to apprehend wholesale panic, and more importantly, keep the public in the dark as to what was actually occurring in Washington DC until the operation was concluded.
Dubbed “Operation Concorde-Atlantic” the vital phases were broken down into mission specific targets that called for the isolation and effective neutralization of the forward air command of the Eastern United States, seizing the political and bureaucratic headquarters of government, the creation of a defensive line to ward off attacks, and the gradual pacification of the Southern population.
Speaking before the New Congress in 2008 retired General Martin Phillips described the planning of Operation Concorde-Atlantic, “From the outset of the Victoria Talks we knew that to succeed we needed to have the total commitment of all those involved. We had looked at historical precedents, and where there had been success and failure. In the case of the Bolshevik Revolution there had been success, in the case of the attempt to assassinate Hitler and take over Berlin there had been total failure. We had to examine each case and decide which merits we should focus on to ensure that our plan would have the greatest opportunity for success.”
General Phillips may have been under-stating the case somewhat. Admiral Guy Valliancourt of the French Navy in his auto-biography says that, “Had I felt that failure was on the table I would have walked away. Smarter and richer is the gambler who knows that to gamble is to risk, but to succeed requires planning.”
Regardless of the Admiral’s casino analogy, the principal plotters of the Victoria Talks left nothing to chance. They did indeed review and scrutinize each case history. From Caesar’s assassination on the Ides of March to the failed coup’s in Africa which had been aided by foreign mercenaries.
The one historical incident central to the success of Operation Concorde-Atlantic was the failed attempt to assassinate Hitler at his reclusive “Wolf’s Lair” near Rastenburg in East Prussia.
This plan involved killing Hitler while he was far from Berlin. Following upon the news of his death the plotters would move on the capital and remove the Reichstag leadership and seize control. The Generals involved in the plot felt sure that they would command enough respect from their own troops to guarantee success. Unfortunately as history shows us, the bomb next to Hitler failed to kill him, the plotters panicked, and the Nazi leadership worked with lightning speed to round up the conspirators. A miserable failure.
General, now New-Senator Obadi Kam remembers that it was from the Victoria Talks that the first sub-rosa elements of Operation Concorde-Atlantic were formed.
“At that time the American military was stretched as tight as a balloon. One pin, and hopefully the whole thing would pop. And the pin that the Pentagon was least expecting would be the one that came from within.”
NATO Secretary General Joop von Klasteuuns had no idea of the treachery being developed by the senior generals of NATO when he signed off on the plans for Spring NetPulse06.
The Victoria Talks plotters felt a collective chill run through them as the reality of their plan began to move forward.
“What we knew to be essential,” remembers Air Commodore Leigh Mallen-Thorpe, “would be the blinding of the Cyclops. We needed to be able to manage Spring NetPulse according to plan, but under the radar also be running Operation Concorde-Atlantic. To say it put some acute strain on our commanders would be like saying that the Titanic had a touch of frost.”
The blinding of the Cyclops became the crucial element in maintaining the strategic edge over the Pentagon. At that time the civilian leadership of America’s military establishment was already distracted and some would say hypnotized by the ideological wars they were waging in the Middle East.
Back before the liberation the civilian head of the military was called the Secretary of Defense, which seems today to be quite antithetical to what his job really entailed, that is, starting wars of offense, not defense, but that is besides the point. This man, Donald Rumsfeld, lived in a cloud-cuckoo land of yes-men and diabolical schemers who rarely left their temple of war to meet the common men and women they so callously and casually dispatched to foreign deserts to be mangled, maimed, and killed.
The Victoria Talks principals knew that the Secretary of Defense and his staff had their focus solely on the Middle East. New-Senator Obadi Kam recalls that when he appeared before Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Feith with the plans for Spring NetPulse06 that, “They seemed almost in a dream when it came to acknowledging the NATO plans. It was like being in a room of opium eaters. So lost were they in their fantasy of their new Babylon. Later I thought how easy it would have been to have had them all detained right then, but, that would have ruined the operation. Yet still, it was something eerie to see.”
“Eerie” might be one of the choicest adjectives to apply to Washington in those dark days before liberation.
Air Force General Adam Mueller was quoted as saying, “One day I was called in to the Oval Office along with the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman. My role was simply to nod and point to map references on a series of charts that our office had prepared. The President was noticeably distracted. As if he was listening to voices that no one else could hear. The Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice was there too. I can’t really remember her saying much to us. She would occasionally make notes. The person in the room who all eyes were on was of course the Vice President. He stood off to one side of the President’s desk and would pace a few steps at a time. He kept his head down as he listened to our presentation, and then he would snap out questions that had a pin-point precision about them. He was very impressive. At the end of the meeting I remember that the Vice President said something like, “Well that about does it.” Or something like that. Then he turned to Bush and said, “How do you feel about it?” Bush just sat there as before with this eerie glassy look in his eyes. I’ll never forget what he said to Cheney. He said in almost a whisper, “It’s the will of God.” Condoleeza Rice just looked at the floor after Bush said that, and then we got up and left. I never saw any of them again. Not in office. I saw Cheney later at the trial.”
The feeling of a crystal ship steering close to the rocks permeated all levels of Washington life that spring. The Republican Party was closing the door on wholesale human rights, and rampant criminal scandals ran like banshees through the corridors of power with no one even pretending to notice.
In the vast heartland of America, what they called then “the Red States”, there was a frightening, almost audible, turning back of the clock. It felt to some observers like a Pandora’s Box of ignorance, intolerance, and pseudo-religion was being thrown open in the South. Invading every house, every heart, with the bizarre “End Times” and “Seven Signs of the Apocalypse” imagery so prevalent at the time.
Before the sealing of their compact the Victoria Talks participants had all agreed that to liberate the United States from it’s leadership would not be enough. In order to staunch the flow of obscene and paranoid hate and fear there would need to be a cauterizing of the wound.
Air Force Commodore Leigh Mallen-Thorpe recalls that, “We had all seen how bloody awful the effort had gone in Afghanistan and most assuredly in Iraq. Putting out the fire is one thing, but for God’s sake, be sure to put away the matches afterwards. Otherwise the bloody thing will start up all over again six months later.”
This part of Operation Concorde-Atlantic created the most debate amongst the participants. After all, who was it for them to tell people what God to worship, or how. In the end though they came to an agreement; as long as the religion preached positive values it would be considered a benefit, but where it deviated into fear, death-cultism, or hate, then it would be nipped off.
Dr. Sansatta Gull was one of the few civilian participants of the Victoria Talks group. She was at first only an outside advisory member, but as the conspirators soon learned, she was not only imminently trustworthy, her philosophical insights and her spiritual knowledge were of crucial importance. She asked for the inclusion of at least two other philosophers to join the group. Their names remain a secret, but from other writings it has been fairly well surmised that one of them was a Jesuit priest, the other a respected Rabbi. Together the three philosophers debated long into the nights that would follow how best to extinguish the fires of hate that burned so brightly in the South.
In the end though, their recommendations to the Liberation Council were only that. Recommendations. It was up to the Council as a whole to decide on the course that they should take.
In late February of 2006 NATO forces gathered in the North-Eastern United States as well as in Ontario and Quebec. This was going to be NATO’s largest ever multinational peace time manoeuvres held in North America.
Spring NetPulse06 began on March 6 2006. No one, apart from the participants, knew anything was going on.
The news networks had celebrity murders to report, as well as the daily handful of deaths from Iraq and Syria. Israel’s expulsion of the Palestinians into Jordan was continuing despite protests from the UN. The usual round-up of anti-American intellectuals went on with no one batting an eye lid. Chomsky, Bennis, Johnson, Zinn; these were names to be spat on, or only whispered in secret. On this day Amy Goodman had been caught hiding in a false trunk in a van heading for Mexico. Her vicious anti-American propaganda network had been renamed America Now! and was hosted by Oliver North. Fox News carried it’s usual segment about Michael Moore sightings and Michael Moore book-burnings. Since PATRIOT ACT3 the filmmaker and activist had fled the United States to safer climes, but his books and DVDs remained popular fire-fodder for Red State pyromaniacs.
What was really happening though was like a sudden injection of adrenaline into a sleeping beast.
The question for the conspirators was: Could they catch the wave before the wave caught them?
General, now New_Senator Obadi Kam recalls the first day: “There were keys to locks. We had to sort them out, do it quickly, and do it quietly. All the while staging this massive multi-national war game. This was a Trojan Horse operation on a continental scale.”
The “Trojan horse” metaphor is accurate. The Victoria Talks plotters had kept their plans incredibly secret. Even today, ten years later, it is still not known to what degree the political leadership of the countries involved were supporting Operation Concorde-Atlantic. However it was accomplished, the important thing is that it worked.
The NATO war games got off without a hitch. Forces from France, Germany, Poland, Denmark, Holland, Turkey, Great Britain, Canada, Italy, and the United States all began movements according to plan. The plotters within the “Trojan horse” had to keep silent and hope that at this late date nothing deviated from the set course of planned events.
One of the essentials keys to success had to be surprise. The Operation Concorde-Atlantic forces had to detach themselves swiftly from the main body of the Spring NetPulse manoeuvres.
With speed and accuracy the liberation forces needed to black out the North East United States and also take out communication with Cheyenne Mountain.
Since the infamous power black-out of 2003 it was widely known how tenuous was the US electrical grid. It required not a lot of imagination or sabotage to cause a massive power failure across the East.
This happened in the middle of a late snow storm, an event which meteorologists within Operation Concorde-Atlantic had plotted months in advance. Now it sent millions of people into a freezing blackness. Of course the National Guard would be called out. But with so many Guard and Reserve on active duty in Syria and Iraq the turn out to respond was pitifully low. At once units of French and British elite paratroops broke away from the war games to “lend assistance” to the wretched powerless citizens of Washington DC.
As soon as the message flashed that Operation Concorde-Atlantic was underway Allied aircraft took to the skies over the United States.
Canadian F-18’s flew mission after mission dropping runway–smashing paveway bombs on military airfields across the North east. Polish F-16s prowled high overhead looking for stray trade from formations of air-borne US aircraft. A brief skirmish over Michigan ended with the Poles sending six USAF fighters fleeing for home.
The Capitol was taken over by the French and British paratroops in under two hours. Over at the White House the battle lasted under thirty minutes. The building was ransacked quickly and thoroughly. Bush was found huddled in the basement bunker complex with Condoleezza Rice and some underlings. The Secret Service were brushed aside with no casualties taken by the British or French paratroopers. The high value targets were handcuffed, hooded, and hustled into helicopters and flown to Camp David.
Satellite interceptions worked relatively flawlessly. Controlled from Canada, television and radio signals were rebroadcast on a short delay blocking out any news that might leak out from Washington about the assault on the Capitol.
The lessons of 911 had taught the plotters that the US was internally blind to hostile military action, and so after knocking out runways to prevent war planes from taking off, the Air Force in the central and eastern states was rendered redundant.
Those American forces which were participating in the Spring NetPulse manoeuvres were quickly disarmed. They had no live ammunition to begin with, and they had been fed false coordinates and fake GPS intel since the start of Operation Concorde-Atlantic.
Movement now had to be rapid and knife sharp. Wave after wave of Hercules transports brought into the Northern states armor, men, anti-aircraft missile batteries, and logistical equipment.
A cordon of steel had to be erected to seal off the North from the South. As this was being put into effect Italian and German troops were storming the Pentagon. There was no fight to speak of, but a massive fire did break out. In the ensuing panic several dozen Pentagon employees were lost to the blaze, but most made it through the smoke-choked hallways and out into the swirling March snowstorm. There they were to be confronted by the grim faced soldiers of NATO and at once marched away to be held in a temporary barbed wire enclosure. Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and Douglas Feith were immediately arrested and shipped off to Camp David to join the other high value prisoners.
Canadian troops driving through Maryland stumbled upon one of the hidden horrors of PATRIOT ACT3. There in a squalid complex of plywood huts they found MIT scholar Noam Chomsky and his wife lying in a freezing shack with other members of the anti-American intelligentsia. The prisoner’s orange coveralls and foam slippers were quickly replaced with warm clothes from a local J.C Penneys and the newly liberated prisoners were transported to a local Quaker meeting house for hot food and medical treatment.
After only two days the majority of the North East lay under NATO control. Supplies from Canada were pouring in night and day, along with more men, and more importantly, a sense of hope.
As news of the events of the first 48 hours began to leak out to the blacked out cities of the North East a strange euphoria began to brew. Even though the city was gripped by a terrible late winter snow storm as well as the black-out New York threw the biggest party in it’s history. Fires were lit in the offices of Mayor Bloomberg, and at the Governor’s mansion revellers threw all of the Pataki’s furnishings onto a massive bonfire that burnt for days. But these incidents of lawlessness were not widespread, and did not represent the majority of society. If anything there was a lowering sense of dread over what might come in the wake of this “liberation.”
Looting at the White House was prevented entirely, the same held true for all the important government offices in Washington. Cordons were put up at the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian Institute. All other cultural centres and museums were also protected. Calls were put out to off-duty staff to immediately report to these buildings to ensure that the collections were protected, and that no theft or vandalism occurred.
NATO engineers restored the electricity on the third morning after the liberation. As power came back on-line it was as if spring had really come to this frozen land. People were able to warm their houses, make coffee, listen to the radio, and for once, in a very long time it seemed, relax.
Dr. Sansatta Gull and her team of religious-philosophers had prepared print, radio, television, and internet information reports to be broadcast as soon as possible after the success of the liberation. The messages were broadcast in all languages, to all communities, across all class, ethnic, and religious lines. The message was simple, “Life, as you have known it, will continue.”
As Dr. Gull said in an interview on Democracy Now World this summer, “The idea of actually trying to speak truth to an entire culture is a challenge that not many have succeeded in doing.
It is difficult to convince an entire population of a certain thing.
Of course advertisers do it. Even sit-coms with their trademark catch-phrases become part of the popular lexicon. But, as we saw with the invasion of Iraq, the message has to be believable. You have to be able to sell it. If one part of the message is a lie, then there is a complete failure. Or, in reality, the receiver of the message understands the real truth, in spite of the best efforts of the broadcaster. If the US liberates Iraq, and gets flowers and kisses one day, that is great. But then a year later, you know, what then? Bombings, kidnappings, daily killings. Abu Ghraib. Shooting wounded in mosques. You know, this is the message. As much as the Americans put out their own radio and TV message to the Iraqis, even installed a puppet government, all this is seen by the Iraqi’s as part of the same message. “You can’t trust us. We are here to deceive you.” So, when we came to liberate America, we had to look at that same example and wonder how we could do it any differently. Our message had to be the same right across the board. From the soldier’s behaviour in the field to the radio messages we broadcast, there had to be one truth and complete sincerity.”
While efforts to discharge domestic tension were paramount to national unity and success at home, another critical element was to take place overseas.
“At that time American forces were stationed in 135 countries,” writes former Air Force General Adam Mueller. “We also had hundreds of ships and submarines with nuclear weapons. It was of primary importance that these military forces be kept under complete control at the start of liberation. We had to keep them quiet, and keep them doing their job of defending the American homeland and any friends that we were at that time protecting. At the same time we had to make damn sure that any potential adversaries of the United States had to be reminded that now was not the time to take a cheap shot at America while she was down. There were a lot of phone calls going on at that time. And those discussions took place way above my pay grade.”
As the liberation progressed the first nation to become actively belligerent against the liberation forces was the State of Israel. It at once denounced Operation Concorde-Atlantic and the plotters. Israel said that it would at once prepare a “suitable and adequate response.” What that response was to be the world would never know. Nothing came of the Israeli bluster. Although, the expulsion of Palestinians was halted.
After a week the world felt it could breath a collective sigh of relief. The liberation of America had succeeded; no nuclear weapons had been used, and the stock markets hadn’t collapsed.
As General Martin Phillips told the New Congress, “In the immediate aftermath it was like we had taken a drunk driver off the road. But the car still had all the kids and pets and so forth in the back. So, we still had to get it home. That was going to take some time, but the most immediate problem had been taken care of.”
It was going to take some time to subdue the rest of the United States. The plan agreed to was a massive “intervention” to “de-programme” the Evangelical Christians. Thus began the most contentious element of Operation Concorde-Atlantic.
Air Force Commodore Leigh Mallen-Thorpe had this to say about the controversial plan: “It was felt that after WW2 there was the de-Nazification of Germany, and that had met with some success. Some of us felt that perhaps the same could hold true for the millions of brainwashed Americans who believed in the Rapture and Armageddon and all the rest of that pseudo-religious clap-trap.”
There was incredible resistance to this deprogramming plan. The battle for the South took on almost a pyrrhic quality after 6 months of fighting, but the decision was made to persevere. Now, ten years later, the difference can be seen in the churches across the South. The message is now one of hope and love. The old ways of televangelists are long gone. Hate, paranoia, and “end times” prophecies have been abolished, ridiculed, and for the most part, abandoned.
As far as the collapse of the political state and the subsequent trials and future government this fell into some disarray as the United Nations wanted to hold war crimes tribunals for the key members of the Bush administration, and there were calls to administer the US by a coalition of UN member nations.
The round up of former Bushists was conducted quickly. The trials of George W. Bush, Richard B. Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Richard Perle, George Tenet, Richard Myers and others took two years to conclude.
There were tears and suicides. Bush went insane and remains today as the sole prisoner at a refurbished Alcatraz. Cheney was hanged along with Rumsfeld, Powell, Rice, Wolfowitz, Feith, and Perle. The members of the Project for a New American Century and other “neo-conservative” groups were rounded up and handed life sentences. After the executions of the chief Bushists their remains were cremated and were disposed of down a storm drain on a rainy night in Washington in 2008. Of them now no mortal trace remains, and no cults can spring up to turn them into martyrs.
As for the governance of the New America there was help at hand.
Fortunately for the good of all such luminaries as former American president Jimmy Carter, Nelson Mandela, Ralph Nader, Immanuel Wallerstein, Jesse Jackson, and others worked tirelessly in the spirit of the founding fathers to draft a new Bill of Rights and begin the Reformation of America.
It’s a process that is still ongoing.
Air Force Commodore Leigh Mallen-Thorpe noted that, “In some ways America is a little like Scrooge. A second chance, and a new outlook.”
The United States place in the world has been adjusted. Israel no longer receives blanket protection by America and has had to follow enforcement of Resolution 242 allowing Palestinians to return to the 1967 boundaries. It has been a rough process, but one that will succeed, because a new America is watching over all sides equally.
Within the United Nations America has undergone a mighty transformation, and now contributes record amounts to aid projects world wide.
Efforts to reduce global warming and reduce the deleterious dependency on fossil fuels has led to the birth and rise of whole new energy industries which are sustainable, renewable, and affordable.
Not all the problems of the world were solved when the Bushists were removed from power.
For America, as in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was signed, a new nation had emerged, and it’s promise remains great.