Communiqué of the Worker-communist Party of Iraq
Worker Communist party of Iraq | 17.11.2004 05:36 | London
In The city of Falluja, at Mujahideen congress held on October 21, 2004, the notorious Islamic criminal, Abdulla al-Janabi and “ Majlis al-Shura” in Falluja issued a fatwa to forcibly marry girls at age of 10 to mujahideens, the act that mounts to flagrant rape of children under the excuse that Americans will rape them when they attack the city.
In Mousul, Chsitian Women are subjects of kidnap, killing and rape. Every week passes by more women, secularists and Christian are killed. Fatwas calling for killing innocent people are put publicly on walls of universities, public buildings, mosques and the houses of ordinary people.
Tens of university students have been insulted and tortured and hundreds of them have been forced to quit their studying and take long leaves. Restaurants are been closed, hairdressing saloons have to observe certain styles, and sexual segregation is imposed on schools and public institutions. All these things are done under the threat of arms.
No society is free of crime, however it is not usual that indulgence in crime and bloodshed to be given a political color as is the case with Islamic terrorism. These groups have no massage to the society apart from the massage they are writing with Islamic sward. Exploiting the vacuum of authority, these groups seek to impose their authority on the society by terrorism and violence. These groups seek to establish a terrorist Islamic regime and repeat the experiences of Afghanistan and Algeria in a society which looks forward to achieve a future full of freedom and happiness after decades of fascist Baath regime’s oppression. Groups of political Islam are one pole of the international terrorism. They are fighting against the other pole of terrorism for their share in power. They are one of the two poles of the unfolding dark scenario in Iraq whose first chapters were written by the USA war on the masses of Iraq. The USA war and its occupation of Iraq have unleashed these groups and encouraged their terrorism in the society. Maintaining the current political conditions will set the hands of these groups ever freer and will deepen the swamp which makes s suitable ground for these groups to live and continue their ominous terrorism and crime against the people of Iraq. These groups cannot be uprooted and their wickedness ended without ending the existence of America and its occupation of Iraq.
The Masses of Iraq!
The Worker-communist Party of Iraq announced from the early days after the USA criminal war its resolved and outright position from the terrorism of Islamic movements and warned against believing claims that America and its collaborators can stand up to the Islamic movements. The last few months have left no doubt that America does not oppose Islamic terrorism as long as it is directed against the masses and violates their most basic freedoms. The USA and the reactionary forces around it and grouped in the so-called government either directly stand beside these groups or indirectly prepare the ground for them to breed and impose themselves on people and their future.
The only way to curb this unleashed and frenzied terrorism is by the cooperation of all liberationist and humanist forces and by coming together in a united front independent of both poles of terrorism; America and political Islam, and by depending on the subjective power of the masses to provide a decisive and resolved answer to the Islamic groups and gangs. The Worker-communist Party of Iraq which reiterates its resolution to face Islamic gangs and gangs of organized crime calls on you to mobilize under the banner of freedom, equality and reorganizing civility in Iraq that it holds.
We must stand against gangs of political Islam. A mass resistance must be organized against their terrorism. We must escalate the fight against them. We must expose all collaborators and supporters of this terrorism. The public facades of these groups including various so called majalis al-fatwa (board of clergies to issue religious decrees) and mullahs who legitimize killing and bloodshed and the reactionary regime in the region and on top of them Islamic Republic of Iran share the responsibility for killings and other barbaric crimes committed by Islamic gangs. We must expose the role of the USA and its collaborators including Islamic and ethnocentric forces for their recklessness toward the lives of civilians and for allowing these criminals to ravage the society with their bloody swards.
The Civilized and humanist masses worldwide
Communist, Leftists, progressive, women and children’s organizations, parties, associations and activists
The people of Iraq who are going through a very harsh and dangerous period need your support! The current conditions can push the society toward some of the darkest periods in human history. The current nightmare which controls the lives of people of Iraq can further dominate and prevail in a society exhausted by decades of Baath rule, oppression, wars, sanctions and political Islam. Your support can prevent this. Lend your support to the people of Iraq to defeat these criminal forces and their recklessness. The masses and freedom-loving people of Iraq and in the forefront the Worker-communist Party of Iraq are in a fierce fight including many times armed fight against these Islamic gangs. The Worker-communist Party of Iraq and civilized and freedom-loving people can defeat these forces, and sweep them away. Support the Worker-communist Party of Iraq and the labour, women and progressive organization by all possible means; politically, financially and morally. Supporting this front means supporting the masses of Iraq in their struggle against these forces, which are summoned to the stage from the Dark Age. Supporting the Worker-communist Party of Iraq will enable the masses to get closer to their happiness, freedom and prosperity.
Down with Islamic terrorism
Long live Freedom and equality
Worker Communist party of Iraq