Missing in Manchester - Old Trafford Rave party
23am girls | 01.11.2004 12:33 | Culture | Free Spaces
5 or 6 rigs don't actually know what any of them were except missile with the big rig and the strange flouro podium dancers. We saw them arrive in the limo from Liverpool. (can the rumours of dj hype playing be substantiated?)
aaaiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeee bring it on sorry but psytrance what is it where did it come from and can it go back there .. think it may be a drug working thing but fair play to the boys and girls who bought it on and set it up they still rawked manchester like it not been rawwked for a while pukkapukka pukka sorted nice one ...and then there was sketchy posse or matey and the new skools .Really sorry guys but can't remeber your rigs name but it's something like daylight robbery or damaged goods . these boys and lasses were kickin out the hard tek and drum and bass . the rig sounded like a ghetto blaster put on top of some cardboard boxes painted black but then hell who cared ! the bar was flowing the vibe was fluffy and there were lots of people crowding round the dj booth trying to put a record on ..
then there were the rigs outside first there was the mystery in the small house rig - who are these people? answers on a virtual postnosebag please.
And the Black Moon posse in the half open depot was my favourite - slightly sleezy techntran sort of [agh fuck knows] - this had the best vibe almost....
cos the tiny breaks room that you had difficulty finding and even more difficultly cramming yourself into the spaces between peoples armpits to get into, was fooking having it.
all in all a wicked rave , one to be remembered not seen that much flouro since i was at a full moon party but like i said at the begining we are the cynical bastards of yore and we still loved it .
23am girls . watch out cos we're watching you !!!
23am girls
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