Ewa Jasiewicz speaking in Glasgow and Edinburgh
fta | 29.10.2004 13:32 | Anti-militarism
The details of the demo are:
Assemble 12.00pm at the Pollock Shopping Centre on Barrhead Road and march to Lochar Park where there will be a rally with Rose Gentle; George McNeilage N.P.C.C.; Tommy Sheridan MSP; Councillor Keith Baldassara; Stop The War Coalition (Eng & Wales); Scottish CND
Ewa will also be speaking at The Forest Cafe in Edinburgh at 7pm on Saturday and showing 'FTA' ("Fuck the Army, Free the Army", an old, Jane Fonda/Donald Sutherland Vietnam-protest documentary, banned in the USA.)
This has been organised by no particular group but a couple of individuals involved in the anti-war movement.