"NO to this Constitutional Treaty of the EU!"
Beate Malkus/ Tobias Pflüger | 22.10.2004 16:14 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Globalisation | London | World
On October 29th 2004, the draft for the EU-constitution is supposed to be signed by the heads of state of the EU member states. After that, the ratification process will start in each single member state of the EU. The present German Federal Government e.g. has already expressed its intention to make this process as short as possible.
We oppose this constitutional treaty of the EU
- because - for both political and economical reasons - it pushes the militarization of the European Union for achieving the capability of a global conduct of war.
- because it raises neo-liberalism onto a constitutional level and binds the EU to "the principles of a free enterprise economy with free competition". Social concerns and employment policies are subordinate to economic competition. The financial resources for changing the structures of the EU forces and its armament as well as for the "New Wars" will be paid dearly by cuts in the social systems of the EU-member states.
- because it fixes an antisocial order within the EU by eroding the social and the trade-unionist aspects of the European Union Charter of Basic Rights and divests their efficacy.
- because it establishes imperial power politics outwards and inwards the EU; votings in the European Council and the Council of Ministers are carried by a superiority of the big member states, especially Germany.
We call upon everyone to protest and resist this draft of the EU-Constitutional Treaty.
In order to prevent this constitutional treaty from becoming effective, we support a wide public campaign which informs the public about the contents of this constitutional draft.
V.i.S.d.P: Beate Malkus (Hannover), Tobias Pflüger (Tübingen) 3rd Peace Conference Hannover 2004
Beate Malkus/ Tobias Pflüger