European car industry day of Action started
zu | 19.10.2004 10:52
day 1 in Bochum
day 1
don´t give in
kids support
families support pickets
attentive listeners
local radio co set up soup kitchen at picket
picketing the gates so no parts can go out
people rally to gates to support pickets
day and night
we won´t give in
women support group
workers in arms
Today´s day of action in all Generla Motors car plants in Europe is underway. Support is asked for from plants in most European states. Gliwisze GM factory and Antwerp plant have stopped work in solidarity. Also Antwerp is recieving no parts from Bochum as the gates are picketed.
A massive support march is underway in Dortmund. Other industries send delegations.
There are no reports from Elsmere port and Luton, where GM facories were asked to participtate in the day of action. The British TUC did not´inform shop stewards abaout the strike untill Friday eve. The German delegation send a solidrity adress to Bochum striker on Friday.
Not a word was mentioned about the European Day of Action from the official ESF - or the SWP -probably in order not to embarrass the Mayor of London and the TUC because of their finacial support. Neither did the horizontal ESF show any interest in the Day of Action. Probaby because they realized that GM stands not for gene food but for General Motors.
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