Carbon sinks
angry mark | 23.09.2004 11:05
1./ Planting new trees does not stop gloval warming in any significant way and releases more carbon dioxide from the soil.
2./ Wrong kind of trees - Mature hardwords e.g of the type sort after in illegal capitalist logging operations are better carbon sinks than young trees which are not so good at absorbing greenhouse gasses.
3./ Planting trees is NOT an excuse to drill up more oil which would not be causing problems if left in the ground. Extraction means environmental disaster where it is extracted, plus transport, refining and running of vehicles - this can be in no way equated with trees -the carbon emission would not have occurred.- also the amount of carbon these "sinks" can store is far less than the quantities emitted by burning fossil fuels.
4./ This just adds to the Greenwash exercise....
5./ The idea of planting trees in siberia is ludicrous ( as is the US plan for the mirror in space - no shit )and would affect the Earth's albedo.
6./Monoculture plantations are already destroying communities. e.g. see Stories From the Ground and Green Gold about what business and the IMF do to people and the planet's poor.
7./Kyoto dollars - This is just the beginning of an assortment of power company / nuclear lobbyists, city gamblers, greedy politicians, dodgy NGO's, the IMF and World bank's agenda, the car industry ( partic General Motors) attempt to squeeze more profits at everyone elses expense through Kyoto and the Carbon Markets and Greenwash while spelling environmental disaster.
8./ It is nice to plant a tree. Just don;'t think you are saving the earth from global warming by doing so. Why not stop the trees being cut down in the first place. And get yourself a push bike! - I myself have a cycle and the oak tree I planted 30 years ago is doing just fine and is in the local park...
angry mark