Who controls Bristols media? Bristle mag no.17 out now!
Bristle mag | 02.09.2004 22:36 | Social Struggles
Then there’s the special – on the media. Anarchist 606 took time out to write exclusively for us on the carve up, control and incestuous links of Bristol’s media outlets. Councillor Eddy features in our corporate grime n slime critique, and the E/Post gets a rollicking for anti-social media behaviour. There’s a heartfelt plea for the ongoing need for alternative print media, and a history of recent radical print media. Lastly there’s a nod of respect to our friends at Schnews, and a welcome to those behind Radio Dialect. Plus there are contact details for all the groups guaranteed to get up the establishments nose.
Get yer 40 page, Bristle no.17 from the outlets below, or send a cheque payable to ‘bristle’, for ₤1.50, to Bristle, Box 25, Greenleaf Books, 82 Colston St, Bristol, BS1 5BB. Or why not sell Bristle, make money, and meet people? Contact us at bristlemag@yahoo.co.uk for details, or call into Kebele (14 Robertson Rd, Easton, Bristol, BS5).
Bristle magazine is put out by a small voluntary collective playing it’s part in the struggle to change the world. We welcome articles, graphics, photos, cartoons etc that fit in with our basic ethos & ideals (read the mag!). The collective meets regularly and would be dead keen if you wanna get involved – from distro to dtp. Get in touch!
Special fundraiser – artist Chitra Merchant has donated a number of screen prints of the original front cover artwork. If you want one contact us for price details.
Outlets -
Big Saver Off Licence (St Marks Rd, Easton), BRB International Store (Stapleton Rd, Easton), Bristol Genuine Seedbank (Old Market), Bristol News (Jamaica St), Chelsea Inn (Chelsea Rd, Easton), Circle Books (North St, Bedminster), Cube Cinema (Dove St), Customer’s Choice (Fishponds Rd, Eastville), Eat the Beat (St. Nicholas St), Galliford Stores (Picton St, Montpelier), Greenbank Post Office, Greenleaf Bookshop (Colston St), Harvest Natural Foods (Gloucester Rd), Here (Stokes Croft), A. Jones (Fishponds Rd), Kebele (Robertson Rd, Easton), La Ruca (Gloucester Rd), Lifestyle (Stokes Croft), Lower Easton Post Office, Sonnis Food and Wines (Mina Rd, St Werburghs), One Planet (Picton St, Montpelier), The Plough (Easton), Replay Records (East St, Bedminster), Royce Rolls café (St Nicholas market), St Werburgh’s City Farm Café (Watercress Rd, St Werburghs), Stokes Croft Post Office, Tangy (Stapleton Rd, Easton), Windmill News (Church Rd, Redfield).
Groovement Records (Walcot St), Happy Daze (Walcot St), Harvest Natural Foods (Walcot St), Porter Butt (London Rd).
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Bristle mag