Party Funding
pingupete | 25.08.2004 13:53
They managed to elected 12 MEPs who now draw an annual salary of around £80,000 each and with expenses and other entitlements, their income is potentially £200,000 a year, of which some might get donated to UKIP. That is £12 million over the next 5 years, although how much actually work or communication will be done is debatable.
Some Random Questions:
Out of the £1.25 million donated to UKIP, £715,000 was donated by Paul Sykes in the form of billboards paid for by his company. Does this buy Paul Sykes influence?
Is the £600,000 donated by Paul Drayson to Labour in any way connected to his peerage and his company winning a lucrative government vaccine contract?
Do bears defecate in woods?
Is UK electoral politics accelerating towards the US model of campaign finance?
What can we do about it?
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