Sheffield Naseh Demo - 21st Aug
Chris | 21.08.2004 19:30 | Anti-racism | Migration | Sheffield
Assembling at Ellesmere Green
Marching down Spital Hill
Passing under the Wicker archs
Marching down the Wicker
Marching down the Wicker
Crossing Lady's Bridge
Marching up Waingate
Rally at the Town Hall steps
Rally at the Town Hall steps
Rally at the Town Hall steps
There was probably somewhere between 100-200 people on the demonstration, and although there was support from passers by (tooting of horns on The Wicker for example) there was also a shout of "send them home" from a passing First bus driver on The Wicker and chants of "piss off" as we passed Castle Market.
I wonder if the reception would have been any different if more radical demands were raised in addition to the "asylum seekers welcome here" variety, a clearer and less ambigious demand for No Borders and the right for everyone on the planet to live where they choose is in some ways easier to argue for and gets away from the idea that this is just an issue for Sheffield or the UK. Already EU citizens have the right to live anywhere in the EU -- this hasn't led to Greek Islands sinking due to the influx or poeple from less nice parts of the EU -- people generally like to stay living where they are and this is mostly the case the world over.
The No One is Illegal web site, has a manifesto (NO ONE IS ILLEGAL! For a world without borders! No immigration controls!) that is well worth reading and the No Border Network web site has news from campaigns across the EU.
More info about Naseh Ghafor:
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