Finland’s Origin of Species is a pretty exact copy of Nazi ideology
A.J. Tyvi | 14.08.2004 09:43 | Anti-racism | Cambridge
Finnish society is ruled by professors, who believe a race dogma according to which some Finns are more privileged to own property and make children than normal citizen. According to this dogma, some of us should not even have the priviledge to live. Not at least if the decision were made by /17/academically educated people.
FINLAND, KLX KLN – Finland has been under external Nordic scandal after one out of two our nation wide main newspapers published an interview in its monthly magazine. This article was explaining about our PM Matti Vanhanen’s father and his scientific career. In this published article Professor Emeritus Tatu Vanhanen reveals his understanding and dogma, according to which /1/ “black are more stupid, than white ones”.
I can not stop asking myself, after having read this article, why we have people like Kofi Annan working as Secretary General or H.E. Mr. Julian Robert Hunte as the head of General Assembly in UN. Could Professor Emeritus Tatu Vanhanen's theory explain that? I must say I really do hope, that this is not the reason. Profession Emeritus needs to clarify his true meaning of spoken and written statement into a such state, were its true meaning becomes clear. I am sure his fellow colleagues with different skin color or cultural background will help him in his long journey.
/2/ Originally Prime Minister’s father Tatu Vanhanen studied and graduated from Helsinki University, where he completed his political ph.D. thesis in 1968. “Five years later he was nominated as an associate professor at Tampere University” - in a Finnish labor region.
The Prime Minister’s father received full pension from the red Tampere labor area, /3/ from Tampere University (

The magazine refers to Professor Emeritus’ conduct based on such literature like /4/ E.O. Wilson’s “Sociobiology” (1975), /5/ Charles Darvin’s “The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection: Or, the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life” (1859), /6/ "The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex" (1871) and Richard Herrnstein’s and Charles Murray’s “The Bell Curve” (1994).
At Tampere, in Tampere University, Professor Emeritus Tatu Vanhanen were anxious about information The Bell Curve provided at the time it was published – the article point out.
Last book the article refers to is an USA publication /7/“IQ and the Wealth of Nations” in which 185 nations average IQ is being listed and its correlation to the national wealth is being analyzed.
/8/ ”Since evolution has made differences between race skin color and body construct, I can not see, why it would not made a difference in spiritual qualities.” explains Prime Minister’s father Tatu Vanhanen his dogma.
/9/ Professor Emeritus has been accused of racism, and he has been claimed to be worked in some suspicious scientific surroundings – explains the magazine article, and continues “His work has been published in The Mankind Quarterly, a scientific publication, which aim is to reveal “communistic and conspiracy based on idea of equality” that neglects “the facts of differences based on races”. /10/ Article points out, that “The Mankind Quarterly” publication has got such founders as South-African apartheid protector Robert Gayre, head of Mussolini’s race program Gorrano Gini, and Josef Mengel’s master Ottomar von Verschuer.
Finnish Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen – Professor Emeritus Tatu Vanhanen’s son - must be ‘the best race elite’, after all, how else could his father be so proud of his son. /11/ PM also made a remark, that his father “has been stating these opinions for over twenty years”, so PM must have been under some kind of an psychological influence.
But what does other people think about Finland, our Prime Minister and Professor Emeritus Tatu Vanhanen?
Specially after such little things has turned out, like /12/ our President Tarja Halonen (SDP) took a tattoo not so long while ago. Besides being an ex-president of Sexual Equality (SETA), she really has shown some character as a President, also in International Affairs! Maybe these high society academicals in Finland should think about what an average USA citizen might say, if George W. Bush would take tattoo in his butt saying “MOM”, and then openly and proudly showing it to all people on national TV?
Finnish Central Criminal Police decided on August 12th 2004 not to begging any preliminary criminal investigation against Professor Emeritus Tatu Vanhanen, based on his statements /13/. “Finski KGP”, as the Russians call the bureau, says there is no reason to doubt any provoke against some population group.
At least one thing is for sure: /14/ I have been chased physically in Finland by our police, lawyers and academic s.c. ‘elite’.
So, this area practices al ready some kind of a race dogma lacking something I call spiritual and above. These people dogma is based on physical existence, and practiced by one sided scientist and their lower college level police friends.
A second thing is also pretty sure – some of us can not get our property out from our legal system or from police because of these same Nazis thinking they are some “elite group of the Finnish Society” /15/.
We already have registers, where people are classified either as A or B citizens.
Makes me really think, how Finland would feel like, if some Afro-american lawyer would be able to return people like meself property via international juridical system as an sample of someone having a different skin color or ideology.
/16/ “According to Professor Emeritus Tatu Vanhana, long term unemployment, individuals’ isolation from society, being left out of education and criminality are mainly due to to the reason, that part of the population is intellectually less talented” explains the article.
Most shocking part of the article suggest, that intellectually high people should be privileges to have more children, that the other.
Dear Professor, what could I say, as a person, having only read just and just over 160 credits, and still making progress? I really do hope, that some of you /17/ academicians could do some practical work and talk less crap. You seem to be privileged in conducting illegal chases on human beings, jailing innocent victims, beating physically citizens and castrating innocent without getting punished, but one things you have not learned, and it is the true meaning of the word “elite”.
And by the way. You would not mind returning, what legally is mine – I've got some studying to do.
Åke Tyvi
Adult Engineering Student, datanomi
Receptionist & Executive
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/1/ Helsingin Sanomat, Kuukausiliite, Elokuu; Sanoma Osakeyhtiö, Helsinki; Hansaprint Vantaa / HSKL04/2004; ISSN 0780-0096; p. 37 – 39; Professori Vanhasen uusi rotuoppi.
/2/ Helsingin Sanomat, Kuukausiliite, Elokuu; Sanoma Osakeyhtiö, Helsinki; Hansaprint Vantaa / HSKL04/2004; ISSN 0780-0096; p. 38; Professori Vanhasen uusi rotuoppi.
/3/ Helsingin Sanomat, Kuukausiliite, Elokuu; Sanoma Osakeyhtiö, Helsinki; Hansaprint Vantaa / HSKL04/2004; ISSN 0780-0096; p. 37; Professori Vanhasen uusi rotuoppi.
/4/ E.O. Wilson; Sociobiology: The New Synthesis (1975) [

/5/ Charles Darwin; 1871 early March; "The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex" was published by John Murray publishers of London [

/6/ Charles Darwin; 1859 November 22; "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection: Or, the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life" was published by John Murray publishers of London. [

/7/ Richard Lynn, Tatu Vanhanen; “IQ and the Wealth of Nations”; ISBN 027597510X. [

Book Description: Lynn and Vanhanen argue that a significant part of the gap between rich and poor countries is due to differences in national intelligence (national IQs). Based on an extensive survey of national IQ tests, the results of their study challenge the previous theories of economic development and provide a new basis to evaluate the prospects of economic development throughout the world [

/8/ Helsingin Sanomat, Kuukausiliite, Elokuu; Sanoma Osakeyhtiö, Helsinki; Hansaprint Vantaa / HSKL04/2004; ISSN 0780-0096; p. 38; Professori Vanhasen uusi rotuoppi.
/9/ Helsingin Sanomat, Kuukausiliite, Elokuu; Sanoma Osakeyhtiö, Helsinki; Hansaprint Vantaa / HSKL04/2004; ISSN 0780-0096; p. 39; Professori Vanhasen uusi rotuoppi.
/10/ Helsingin Sanomat, Kuukausiliite, Elokuu; Sanoma Osakeyhtiö, Helsinki; Hansaprint Vantaa / HSKL04/2004; ISSN 0780-0096; p. 39; Professori Vanhasen uusi rotuoppi.
/11/ Iltalehti; Pääministeri huolestui isän puheiden leviämisestä maailmalla. [

/12/ Varusmiesten tarve ja tarjonta kohtaavat tulevaisuudessakin. [

/13/ Iltalehti; Tatu Vanhanen: "En epäillytkään joutuvani esitutkintaan". [


/15/ News group sfnet.keskustelu.laki, articles and samplecases written on August 8th and 12th in 2004 under name Åke Tyvi.
/16/ Helsingin Sanomat, Kuukausiliite, Elokuu; Sanoma Osakeyhtiö, Helsinki; Hansaprint Vantaa / HSKL04/2004; ISSN 0780-0096; p. 39; Professori Vanhasen uusi rotuoppi.
/17/ Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language; Gramercy House 1996, Random House Value Publishing Inc.; ISBN 0-517-15141-3; “academic, adj. ... 3. theorethical; not pratical, realistic, or directly useful: an academic discussion of a matter already decided. 4. learned or scholary but lacking in worldiness, common sense, or practically. ...”
Dear Sirs,
I would appreciate, if USA coloured professors would express their concern the given issue below. Sometimes one just see these things and 'enough is enough'.
Unfortunately we have not been given a change to introduce ourselves to each other, however the dilemma remains even without having done so.
Åke Tyvi
Adult Engineering Student
A.J. Tyvi