Workshop Exihibtion at Grass Roots Global Arts Forum/ Peckham
Farout | 10.08.2004 22:06 | Culture | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | London
Area 10 is a free space within which around 200 artists, performers, musicians, sculptors, and multi media practitioners from many nations and a real local areas have collaborated during the past 5 Events. Whilst paying for the facilities of the building i.e. water electricity, telephone etc. the rest is free.
They have been trying to work with the system rather than just squat. Area 10 is now faced with an unpayable £60,000 rates bill although it has consistently had audiences in excess of 1000 people to each of its events.
This great ark of a building would otherwise have sat empty and cost the council well over 60K a year to keep secure. Eagle's Wharf is derelict, open to the skies, and is not fit for storage or business. Yet, despite the combined passions of all those involved in Area 10, past and present, they still face the possibility of bankrupting Camberwell Arts Week for their idealistic collaborative practice.
So far they have existed without any grant assistance or financial input. This is exactly what Ken Livingstone's Creative Industries Commission was set up to generate and pre-dates it, without any expense to tax payers and the benefits to locals and London wide residents.