MrDemeanour | 31.07.2004 18:19 | Analysis | Oxford | World
IED: On 28 Jul GLOBAL reported that another IED was discovered last night in the centre of Taliqan city placed near a shop. Reportedly it was removed by Halo Trust EOD team.
Balkh, Samangan, Suripul and Jawzjan provinces: NTR
Fariyab Province:
Killing: Reports received this morning at 0830hr indicates that Amanulla the commander of Turbat village in Almar district has been killed by Sher Mohammad the brother Salam Pahlawan who is the district Governor of Almar district. Commander Amanulla was arrested several days ago by Salam Pahlawan and the villagers of Turbat have been asking the Acting Governor of Faryab to release him. Commander Amanullah is closely supported by Junbish Faction and this incident may cause some reaction from Junbish side. The Governor has sent a delegation including a doctor to check the body and to hand it over to his family. UN missions Almar District are suspended until further assessment of the situation.
Herat Province:
Rockets:On 27 Jul at 0400 hrs there were reportedly two rockets launched from unidentified location targeting ANA camp within Herat Airport. One of the rockets hit the airport, the other one impacted inside a farm in a village near by the airport. There is no report of casualties or damages. The motive of the attack is not known yet.
Badghis, Farah and Ghor Province: NTR
Zabul Province:
Attack: At 2300hr on 26 July insurgents attacked the Shah Joy District Center. No casualties were reported. Reported by local sources in Shah Joy.
Killing: On 27 July insurgents abducted three Government workers from their houses in the Arghandab District Center at approximately 2300hr. They were taken to a remote area approximately 2 kilometres from the District Center and executed. Reported by local sources.
Kandahar Province:
Attack: At 0100hr 28 July insurgents attacked a VRS in the village of Zangabad in Panjwie District with small arms fire. The VRS was located in the Sultan Mako High School. No casualties reported. CF have reported that they will increase patrols in the area.
Arson: On 27 Jul in Spin Boldak District, the contents of 5 shipping containers carrying cargo for CF were burnt. The containers were being carried by a Pakistani Contractor. This is one incident in a series that have been occurring over the last 3 months. It is likely to be competitors attempting to get a share of the lucrative CF contracts rather that insurgent activity.
Ghazni Province:
Bomb: On 28 Jul at 0800hrs a bomb exploded at a VRS site in Andar District resulting in the death of two people, the serious injury of two more and the wounding of five others. The seriously injured were evacuated to the CF hospital in Bagram and remain in a serious condition. The two killed were local Afghan nationals with the remainder of the injuries being received by JEMB national staff. No UN staff were involved. The exact identities of the persons killed still have to be confirmed.
Nangarhar Province:
IED: On 28 Jul NSD JAA, reported that at 1300 hrs an IED/Mine was discovered before exploding in Spina Qala located 3-4 kms West of Hesarak in Sated district. The road is routinely used by JEMB vehicles which NSD believe was the target.
Tension: On 28 Jul in Ghanikhel it was reported that the newly arrived district governor for Ghanikhel replaced the present police chief. When the residents of Ghanikhel realized that the present police chief was doing this they protested and told the district governor that they would not accept this new man. The situation remains unclear.
Rockets: On 27 Jul at 0100 hrs three rockets hit in close vicinity of Sherzad district administration office. No casualties or damage were reported.
Laghman, Kunar and Nuristan Provinces: NTR
Baghlan Province:
Vehicle Accident: On 27July at 1700 hrs in Khinjan District, an escort detail from MOI for the mission of RONCO/ De mining NGO, mission from Kabul to Mazar Sharif were involved in a vehicle accident on the road near Dashti khailgai. The escort vehicle skidded into the river, two of the armed escort and the driver were killed and one of the escorts was seriously injured.
Kabul Province:
Rocket: On 27 Jul at 2350 hrs in Kabul City District-2, in front of the Chinese Embassy a single rocket impacted directly in front of the Chinese Embassy (15 meters west) on the main road (Shah Mohammad), also directly in front of the Ministry of Water and Electricity Guesthouse, and approx 150 meters south of the UNDP compound. There were no injuries and only minor damage to the main road.
Rocket: On 28 July at approx 0730 hrs in Kabul Musayi District, two rockets landed near the Turkish Road Construction Project Base in Dasht e Saqowa. The rockets missed the target with the impact approx 200M from the construction project base/compound.