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Localisation not globalisation, Starbucks in Sheffield

John | 24.07.2004 15:58 | Globalisation | Sheffield

Starbucks are planning to open an outlet in the former Tourism office in Sheffield City Centre. Not only will this mean Sheffield will be stuck with an inadequate tourist information service at the detriment to local tourism, Starbucks will make it a priority to take business away from local cafe’s in the area.

Starbucks will not be seeking to compete with Costa Coffee or any major chain but instead the location chosen means direct competition will be with two independent outlets, the vegetarian Olive Garden and Zoobies Cafe in the Winter Gardens. Both of these companies serve only fair trade produce and put emphasis on supporting the local producers in Sheffield . Zoobies and the Olive garden are the very polar opposite of chains such as Starbucks which represent the greatest ills of globalisation.

Without out help these business will not be able to compete with this giant multinational.

What can we do?

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planning officers

24.07.2004 17:47

Check out local planning and regeneration issues at the council offices - simply go down and demand to see them.

The affected companies can also put in legitimate objections on business grounds.

Ethical objections simply do not cut it.

Start publishing and petitioning councilors, but remember the real power lies in the Council Chief Exec & head of planning so get their details and get people contacting them.

If you need more advice, email me at

Freedom To Protest

Bad news

24.07.2004 18:20

A message for Starbucks
A message for Starbucks

Bad news to hear that yet more US corporate scum are closing in our fine city. Some creative actions against Starbucks come from this site...


fuck their shit up..

29.07.2004 15:17

as tom has said there is loads that can be done.. all dependant of where the application is at ie have thay got the consent, if so do not panic there are many ways to fuck their shit up.. e mail markmozazwallis likewise express your concerns to your new local green councillor damm sure she might have an intrest likewise..

note: @ taken out to stop spam just replace with @ when e mailing..

also contact the olive garden and zoes plus the brown baar and others in the area even the crucible and the cafe in the library..

you might consder local democracy to be pants and i do understand.. however we have to stop west one from being and 18 story high block stop homes being built on green land even fucked shit up for tesco at meadowhead and so forth so it can work just a long tiresome road one has to tell ya..

be happy to give what advice i can give but thts all i can do as i other shit cooking..
keep up the pressure..

