RFID- geo fencing the coming behaviorism
captain wardrobe | 20.07.2004 15:59
but the introduction of these gadgets can be traced back to loyalty cards and
the social engineering inherent in credit card culture...and the culture of credit & debt...
as a lifestyle
only a few years ago [well maybe more] rural areas were just getting used to
holes in the wall, credit, plastic and the cashless 'way forward'
now we have ATMs in Pubs and shops, while banks shut their doors and become
MI6 like buildings...
It was Johnny Rotton who shouted so wildly
'the futures dream is a shopping spree'
and it seems to be the case
Earlier this week David Blunkett introduced Blair to the police conference...
he used the phrase 'prison without borders'.
and went on to introduce new plans to tag 5000 criminals
under a GPS securitys watchful eye.
The news media belts out the false premise that a
criminal watched is a criminal stopped...
think about it... there are more cameras per square yard in this country
than in any other...yet the powers that be tell us that crime is still rising.
wouldn't this suggest to any fule, that the cameras just ain't working!
that indeed people just get used to them and go for it big style...anyway
i have never understood how a camera stops anyone doing anything...
...and there-in lies the reason why this is all being done...
The element of fear driven by crime is being used within this technology in order to
bribe the population to take part in a social experiment...
...and still the proposals are made, only in this ultra-modern present
instead of visible cameras looking over us taking a quiet piss in an alleyway,
the cameras are to be hidden in the sky...we are to be chipped,
[for our own safety, of course].
to see what the near future holds for us is to turn to the DNA database.
Something which i fear is the extension of the demographic tabulating Hollerith machine,
which was used to very sinister ends by the Nazis in WWII...counting the miscreants
thus enabling them to kill them...
[this should be a lesson to us all- ALWAYS LIE ON QUESTIONAIRES- polls etc]
We are constantly reassured that this biotechnology is to be used as a means to find
the cure for cancer, AIDS, Alzheimers etc...
but where is this cure ? it must be 20-30 years!!!
what have they been up to?
They have been designing diseaseses that can be patented and propogated
in order to keep us in line...
the same behavioristic model that is used with Cameras and tracking is to be
introduced very soon via Micro-electronic machines and Micro arrays
on bacteria [happening now?]
There are reports of Magnetic resonance imaging being experimented with and
used within Huge advertising hoardings...
indeed this technology- a walk through scanner
is being utilised to check for weapons outside
clubs in London
This is Orwells two way mirror to your soul...
This MRI will be an open x ray to you brains activity...
the current dreams of nuero marketing...which is cutely referred to
as 'pressing the buy button of the brain...
if this technology can be used to press a 'buy button'...
what other buttons can be pressed?
the fear button?
the docility button?
the death button?
vast waves of this energy will flow from advertising screens in malls, and along
highways could well be be used as a immune system debilitator, which will allow the
influence of mood controlling via induced feelings of sickness/well-being...
feelings in which even an incremental amount give rise to a feeling of being
under the weather, or 'not myself today'...
and in the tradition of BF Skinner, if one makes people feel slighly ill
during certain activity, ooh say, like crossing a geo-fencing boundary,
they will be far less likely to continue...
keep on shopping in the free world suckers!
capt wardrobe
captain wardrobe
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