Letter to Upper House
AJT | 11.07.2004 02:52 | Globalisation | Cambridge | Oxford
July 10, 2004
Members of Upper House,
I am happy to see you as many in numbers. That was the good news. The dab news in integrating Europe is a political corruption found in Finland revealing the true nature of socialists and socialism.
In Finnish mass media, a suspected spy called Alpo Rusi claimed being a political victim of the Social Democrat Party.
He presented case evidence of harassment and a chase in public mass media, were a Social Democrat Party had been using Finnish government officials and Socialist Party members as an executive force. He has not been a simple case in Finland, nor the first or last to be.
I do hope you realise Lords, what kind of a message you send to the world by presenting Your socialist PM Tony Blair with our socialist President Tarja Halonen together in mass media. Es-specially after these Finnish acts in some obscure area, were by using these initiatives and attempts to usurp powers have they all become a public knowledge. Dark ages of socialism have been brought into the day light, while United Kingdoms like to see President G. W. Bush, PM Tony Blair and President Tarja Halonen together in mass media.
This comes down to political aspect, not to a person. Signal to people like myself it very clear, but I honestly do not wish people start thinking you have the same dilemma in United Kingdom with the socialists.
I am also expressing my deepest concern related to the way, how poorly your military intelligence (MI) commits they work; if these people would concentrate more on listening and thinking about people, then there would be less security problems in United Kingdom and globally.
The worst mistake a military machine can do is under estimate their enemy. In this case their friend has been few single citizens caring about their society, and your machinery turns these people into monsters.
Ways to think wary, ways to find results differ, and knowing only on way to think does not meant you had the only correct answer or the way to get it.
When there is no law, there can be only war as the legal material send to MI simply proves out the property cases to be in Finland. Are you willing to risk your investments because of Finnish Socialists, and people not following the juridical code?
God Save The Queen.
Åke Tyvi